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Draining The Fuel


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How do I drain the fuel? I assume there is a drain plug in the tank. Do I need to do anything else or will cranking it over for a while work all the old fuel out of the fuel lines?

I tried to start up a car that has been sitting for a while but had no luck. I even used starter fluid. I can smell fuel in the cylinders when I pulled a plug and the coil is sending out a spark.

I still have to replace the plugs and check for spark at the plugs. If I do both of those things and it still doesn't start, I want to drain the fuel and start with fresh gas.

Any other thoughts?


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How much fuel is in the tank? If its less than 1/4 just fill it up and do not sweat it. The solution to pollution is dilution. If is more than 1/4 or so I would just siphon it out. Also a good time to replace the fuel filter.


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I like the way you think...the fuel should be stale enough to not catch on fire from the drill bit, right?

(We used that phrase while rafting down the Grand Canyon and drinking straight out of the river - The solution to pollution is dilusion.)

There is less than a gallon of fuel in there right now so maybe I will got get a few gallons of new to mix in with it. Anyway, I figured the starter fluid would at least get it huffing and puffing and it didn't even do that so I am putting my money on the plugs being bad. I will find out in about an hour.

thanks for the advice.


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I would never use started fluid on a fuel injected vehicle! Lawn mower and vehicles with carbs only...

Read what I had wrote on that other topic you responded to. Just check one by one off the list.

In my opinion you don't have enough fuel and the car needs a good once over to find what has never been replaced.

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I would never use started fluid on a fuel injected vehicle! Lawn mower and vehicles with carbs only...

Read what I had wrote on that other topic you responded to. Just check one by one off the list.

In my opinion you don't have enough fuel and the car needs a good once over to find what has never been replaced.

Used it in alaska all the time. RVP would be high enough that there was not a chance in hell for a cold start. Granted his not seeing -40 temps and a lot of people did blow up their cars, but nothing wrong with it when done right.

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