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Does Anybody Know Member Okoye In Person?


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Its funny how they had to start a thread about their transaction. For future reference if you need to start a thread about your transaction to get resolution you should not be doing any business on the internet. To banana all you needed to do was file a claim before starting a thread, if you did not get your money back or resolution through paypal then that is the time to start thread to alert mods, so the seller does not rip anyone else off. To okoye a simple shipment of items paid for or a click on the big refund button link through paypal transaction page could have saved you as well as the community. All the time this thread wasted was rediculous but this topic should be pinned as how not to conduct a for sale transaction on volvospeed.

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Funny how the banhammer was originally pointed at Okoye and then it landed on you. The banhammer is a oh yeah! like that sometimes, (j/k, it's only a oh yeah! when you act like a oh yeah!). Enjoy your suspension.

Thanks for yet again proving my point. Why are you allowed to be a mod? You obviously have some maturity issues you need to work through.

But what confuses me more about this whole thread is.... why did diemos' butt get so sore when the ban hammer came out in the first place?

I don't like power tripping moderators who threaten to ban someone at the first sniff of trouble, or act like they're unquestionable and ban you for criticizing them. Last time I checked, this wasn't soviet russia.

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Last time I checked, this wasn't soviet russia.

It isn't? Shit what is it then, a democracy? Cause if so, I'm willing to do a public vote on another ban for you. Though all the down rep on you that you "dont care about" sure shows quite a bit of voting. By the looks of things, ''the people" want impeachment.

Did you even read my post to you? About how he didn't threaten to ban him, but provided conditions? So remember how I threatened to ban you too? Jeebus fucking christ. Do you read JFK blackhelecopter conspiracy theory sites before bed?

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I don't like power tripping moderators who threaten to ban someone at the first sniff of trouble, or act like they're unquestionable and ban you for criticizing them. Last time I checked, this wasn't soviet russia.

This isn't a democracy. Everyone who decides to goes down this path ALWAYS loses. Live by the rules or leave. If you continue to be a fool about this, you will be permently banned over something stupid.

You believe you are sticking up for someone who is an innocent victim, but you are wrong. Both parties have fault here, but the majority of it is still on Jon.

Let it go and move on.

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This isn't a democracy. Everyone who decides to goes down this path ALWAYS loses. Live by the rules or leave. If you continue to be a fool about this, you will be permently banned over something stupid.

You believe you are sticking up for someone who is an innocent victim, but you are wrong. Both parties have fault here, but the majority of it is still on Jon.

Let it go and move on.


Reading this thread was like watching Judge Judy

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^ it does suck that they are threatening to ban you over this crap...but the powers that be see this to be fit.

my 2 cents i honestly dont see what banning could possibly do....It would mean total loss of communication between buyer and seller and ensure the products are never delivered, banning resolves nothing except getting the issue off this forum (in this case), the issue will still remain...

Now suspension is a much better punishment for a lack of communication and many misunderstandings (which both parties are guilty of).

I agree that if a seller doesnt produce the goods in a reasonable amount of time (or at all) then that seller should be suspended or banned. But not until the issue at hand is resolved and the buyer has received product.

Thats all im gonna say...bring on the flames...

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Coming from the dude who has a bunch of sh*t on his car waiting for the never going to happen zombie apocalypse lololol

Not that I should be defending it but ... The car is for the girlfriend. It's setup how she wanted it since I bought the car and told her she could do what she wanted with it. Might not have been the brightest idea but hey to each their own.

Besides, if I were to setup a vehicle for any type of apocalypse it wouldn't be artistic it would be function only ... and sadly not a volvo ... hahahaha.

Just wanting to continue the giggles. This thread has become something to laugh about. I'm glad we have a good collection of mods.

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