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Does Anybody Know Member Okoye In Person?


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This thread is obnoxious. Okoye you should have shipped it based on the pm's that you posted up. In the very first response that you copied from pm's Banana rep says "if there is a problem to ship then let's meet up" If you can't agree on a meet then you should ship. You should have shipped it right away to begin with.

If you still have his money then you should ship it. If the money has been returned then move on but don't act like you're blameless. You were in the wrong, Banana rep got pissed because he never got the part. He was trying to find another way of getting it fast but that didn't work out for him...and the communication between you two sucked.

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Now that i've bought and sold a good share here...

I don't even get HOW you can have trouble selling things.

It is so damn easy, a caveman can do it!


A. List a part for Sale.

B. Receive payment for said part

C. Ask seller/buyer method of shipping on said part and pricing for shipping

D. Ship part and give the tracking number

E. Circle Jerk on your screen when you see your paypal balance ( Optional?)

Seriously, i don't understand how people have trouble. Like Matty Moo said, it is ridiculously easy to ship and sell these days.....

If the cashier at Walmart getting paid 7$ an hour can figure out how to hand me the bag of groceries once i pay him, why can't we?

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Just curious but did this issue get resolved?

I know everyone Is quick to play caption obvious by pointing out what everyone else already has multiple times.

He knows what he did wrong, and if he didnt then he surely does by now...

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yeah and apparently some people keep overlooking the fact that he agreed to meet up and then went crazy.

there are obvious flaws on both ends so. let it drop.

No one is overlooking it, however there was period of time after he paid before that happened. You should have been more proactive and shipped once he paid.....then all the other bullshit would have never happened.

So did you ship him the parts or refund the money?

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