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Unknown Nob On 1998 C70


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Found this on an ad on eBay. Nice looking low mileage coupe. See the black knob just below the HU and to the right of the Hazards button? What is it? Button for a sub woofer? - none present in the trunk that I can see. Never seen this before. I'm guessing it's not OEM because nothing shows up in the 98 accessory catalog.


Based on the VIN tag on the door it's a US destined car.

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Wasn't there an accessory option for having 2 subs in the back seats? I have the link on my home computer.

Could it possibly be for that? Looks like it was defenitly for subs or an amp controller.

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I thought the same, because it describes a button on the center console that would control the subs on the back seats for convertibles.

This is what you're referencing:


Only this is a coupe and look at the seats. No subwoofers:


There doesn't appear to be anything aftermarket in the trunk either:


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Yep, that's what I was thinking. Couldn't get the pics of the back seat to load on my phone though.

Maybe he had something installed but took it out. It's easy to hide any previous mods on these cars (in my opinion).

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I sent an inquisitive email to the dealer. We'll see if they have any clue. :lol:

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Sounds like it might be the volume control for a proximity sensor but something tells me it's actually to a hidden radar detector. This is what they wrote:


we honestly dont know what it is.

its definitely an aftermarket installed thing. It does make a beeping noise you can actually make noise louder or quieter with the knob. 

It only makes noise on certain time, possibly when other vehicles approach you, it kind of warns you. Not sure exactly though


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Not a bad idea for hiding a radar detector. That would be cool if thats what it turns out to be.

Hope the person who gets it figures that out, otherwise they might have an unfortunate run in with the police. ;)

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That is a K40 radar detector knob. Volume and city highwayt switch

Yeah, I was waiting for you to chime in Steve.

So tell me this, is the rest of the equipment buried in the dash? I know people install the remote detectors in the bumper or behind the grille and back behind the rear seat shelf or the tailights. Though from what I hear this means you get sub-par detection because the visible range decreases. Higher up like behind the rear view mirror helps the detector see further out to the horizon.

But where are the lights? I'm used to seeing a small dashboard install or at least LED lights that perhaps would sit in the glove box or more likely behind the steering wheel in the instrument panel well.

Did a little searching - someone else had a similar experience after they actually purchased a car.

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on my c70 i have the status lights on the driver side speaker grill

front jammer and front detector behind the center grill

rear jammer was on tag and rear antenna was behind plastic part of bumper

front led signal is using the left bottom of cluster bulb hole and rear was on the right bottom lightbulb.

chirpers are in the left air vent and center air vent




in this picture you see some of it sitting on the floor near the airhorns.


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I like the idea of hiding it. I have a radar detector, its legal to have one in CA, but it seems like every time a cop sees it, they turn around and tail me for a few miles... The sound of the exhaust when I lift my foot from the accelerator probably doesn't help either.

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Yeah I almost bought an Audi with a K40 like that as my first car... If I had I'd probably never know about volvos (I kinda stumbled upon my Volvo when I was searching for an Audi). The K40s nice but there are even better systems now.

If you want an installed system be prepared to shell out $1000-2000 depending on if you want laser jamming.

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