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Speaker Problems? '98 V70Xc


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I have a '98 V70xc, and the rear passenger door speaker started to crackle - but only on bumps and sharp turns. On level/smooth surfaces, it seems to be OK - except once it starts....it keeps happening more often. (Car has the factory: Radio/CD/Tape - I don't think there's an amp or changer...)

I took off the door panel to access the speaker, turned on the radio (key position I)....for about a half an hour - nothing. I shook the car, pulled on the wiring harnes from the door to the door pillar...etc - nothing. It would not make the noise.... But, as soon as I put everything back together and took it for a ride - the noise reappeared.

So....I may try switching rear door speakers to see if that's the problem. Or, if someone else may think it's the radio unit itself, or if there is some type of ground....anything, cuz it's annoying......


........just an update... Forgot to mention that I did try to isolate the problem by using the balance/fade. Even when I changed the balance away from that speaker, the was still load and clear leading me to think there is a short someplace, or a ground issue?

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What.......no takers on this?

So here's an update.... I pulled the cover off of the door pillar to access the wiring to check for any breaks or shorting - nothing found. I pulled off the plastic covers to access the wire harness on the floor...nothing found. But, I did notice that if I shake the Front Passenger seat fairly vigorously, I can get this speaker, and only this speaker to produce the crackling/static sound. (It seems more frequent when the car is either running or the key is in the (II) position. With the key in the Accessory (I) position - I cannot reproduce this problem as often, or as well...)

So........any takers?

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Investigation is required. Validate it's not the speaker by connecting a cheap speaker to the original speaker connector, just jam in the wires and see if you still get the crackling sound you describe. Perhaps it's the coil inside the speaker going south as mine did.

Go out for a drive with your test speaker connected. See if sound comes back. If it does then you need to chase down your wiring from the door to the head unit.

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Thanks All....!

(The car "does not" have an underseat AMP - but I don't know if the speaker wiring is under the seat as a pre-wired option for the AMP?)

Well - I did pull the door panel off, pulled the door pillar cover off, and the floor covers over the wires...looking for any broken wires or shorts - nothing found. With the radio on (Key either I or II positions)...I could replicate the crackling by wiggling the back of the front passenger seat. It did not take much movement to get the speaker to crackle - so I don't know if it would be a body ground, and the wiggling was not enough to move the door or the speaker in the door? Is there something under the front passenger seat that would act as a ground?

And....now - the speaker hasn't had the crackling problem for a couple of days....go figure?

Thanks Again...

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Stereo signals don't get grounded to common. Only the peripherals get grounded if it needs power. head unit, amps, hair dryer etc.

Spekers have a ground but it's actuially reffered to a return as it needs to be retuirned to signal ground. Not to be confused with Chassis ground. But your find is an interesting find. Perhaps it is something with the wiring under the carpet located by the front seat. the description sounds like something is pinched. I should of saw that before sorry. I do not know the routing for that model. But that investigation could be time consuming.

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