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A Little Air Never Hurt Anyone Right? Work In Progress,

Ghost Shadow

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its like that for photo's, plus i only needed to get under the passenger side..

Good, shit like that gets you killed, which I know isn't news to you. A friend's car popped out of gear while he was raising the rear and broke his leg. No bueno.

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so every time you arm and disarm, it's going to sound a train horn? then, every time a person parked next to you might just touch the car while getting out of theirs, or let's just say anyone just touches the car without the intent of harm, or the wind blows hard, it's going to sound a train horn?

why not just get a regular alarm with a good paging system if you want to know that the alarm has been triggered?

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so every time you arm and disarm, it's going to sound a train horn? then, every time a person parked next to you might just touch the car while getting out of theirs, or let's just say anyone just touches the car without the intent of harm, or the wind blows hard, it's going to sound a train horn?

why not just get a regular alarm with a good paging system if you want to know that the alarm has been triggered?

Because he wants to be super annoying.

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This guy over on SS needs to get laid. The fact that he's that upset over the horns and license plate makes me laugh though.

I seriously, SERIOUSLY hope your car gets impounded for this within the next 2 days.

People who do this are right up there with teapartiers on my list of nutsos that need to be black-bagged for the good of society..

The OP should not be behind the wheel of an automobile with stupid **** like that on his car. Clever license plate, jackass

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SS is a bunch of kooks lol....

I was just saying it's annoying cause of the hoodrats with them...who think it's hysterical and have some sort of orgy in their baggy pants when the horn goes off by a hospital or school.... Those guys on SS are just being silly and making up scenarios that are so unlikely.

FWIW I used to hear them every weekend night in Gainesville, and it was always right after the clubs let out. They blare em at everyone on the street, Cops can't get to them cause of the traffic and the drunk drivers they just pulled over. Worst was the dude with the huge TV in the back of his pickup driving around with porno on it...*shakes head*

For the record, i still want my train horns :P But you went all out so kudos...the 3 horn is more than enough for me.

P.S. - Anyone got a video of this happening at Carlisle? It sounds like it was hilarious

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so every time you arm and disarm, it's going to sound a train horn? then, every time a person parked next to you might just touch the car while getting out of theirs, or let's just say anyone just touches the car without the intent of harm, or the wind blows hard, it's going to sound a train horn?

why not just get a regular alarm with a good paging system if you want to know that the alarm has been triggered?

pras, you have been out of the game for a long time brother. thats a DEI/Viper ect way of a install. great systems like the compustar that had built in turbo timer and remote start capabilites for MANUAL transmissions can do a horn honk ONLY on alarm, they can PULSE or do CONSTSNT. No, it will not go off with each arm and dis arm cycle, thats just stoopid. Your questions of the alarm going off sounds like you have been a victim of a install with things set wrong. Wind blowing will not set a alarm off unless it has a radar sensor that has setting set too high with a car that has tinted windows. THAT WILL FALSE ALL THE TIME. Touching the car will never set a car alarm off, unless it has one of these radar sensors as mention before. My car NEVER falses, my car also has three sensors and GPS tracking.

Because he wants to be super annoying.

right greg, you hit the nail on the head. Just for you.

Next you should try this....

that will never happen, i cant hide something like that in any volvo besides a tractor. I dont think i am going into the truck driving business anytime soon.

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