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B+ Cable Has High Drop...replace Now, Or Can It Wait?


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Hello all,

While fault tracing some ETM codes, I found that the B+ cable on my '00 S70 has a high drop. At cold idle, the drop was around .3v (no loads other than lights). Obviously this may become higher with other loads applied or with high temperatures, but it's at least .3v...

Now, I know this fails by most standards. However, I have no other symptoms and the cable end is not corroded as most get. Being I already have to shell out for an ETM (tight this month as it is), should I do this ASAP, or can it wait a few months? Fusebox terminal is hot, but that's after the cable...

Thoughts? I know this seems like a no-brainer, but I have no symptoms of a bad cable other than the high voltage drop :(.

Thanks in advance,


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Corrosion can happen inside the cable and not be visible at the end - though that is where you generally find it. If you're dropping voltage then it's most likely the cable.

You're probably fine for a few months given the minimal drop you're seeing compared to how bad it can get. But it can decrease the life of your battery.

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Agree with Jim.

Joe - I supplemented my cable with a 6AWG cable from an ebay seller. It was about $10 IIRC including a 3/8" lug on one side and a #10 lug on the other and tinned/heat shrinked ends. Genuinedealz was the seller name. Good quality and service. No real reason not to do it now at that price.

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You might do an autopsy on the old one and give us the resulte.

I had a wire to one of the terminals of a headlight on our '88 745 GLE that had turned to black gunk inside and about 8" up the wire there was one strand left.

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