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Is Fcp Losing It

Pops Racer

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Genuine Volvo brake pads for an S/V70. They list from Volvo at 79.62, Darrell Waltrip has them for 44.05 and I'm sure Tasca is similar.

FCP on the other hand lists them at 129.35 (See attached screen shot)

lol'ed at that...clearly someone fubared on the fcpeuro site :P iirc FCPEuro is still in beta or something....regardless though that is funny

But, i almost always order off the old Groton site or check both sites for this reason....sometimes the pricing is different on each site? ;(

And, If there ever is a problem, Mike or Scott are always there....but I think it's their shipping department which has caused them the most issues, since it seems people get shipped the wrong parts more than often ( me included....)


And i've ordered from Tasca and gotten wrong things...sent me 3 O-rings instead of 6....But like FCP, they fixed it right away.

+ I'm not going to complain at a 3rd party company charging more than a Volvo Certified Dealership for 'Volvo Blue Box' parts at discount prices....If you went to any dealership near you, I highly doubt you would get the Tasca/DW pricing . And even if they bought everything at Tasca pricing, How would they stay in business? Of course they have to charge more...

Oh, and i seem to recall DW closed their doors to us because we had so many members making such small orders....does this mean they have forgiven us? :)

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lol'ed at that...clearly someone fubared on the fcpeuro site :P iirc FCPEuro is still in beta or something....regardless though that is funny

But, i almost always order off the old Groton site or check both sites for this reason....sometimes the pricing is different on each site? ;(

^Good point. Looks like they updated the pricing on the main site (fcpgroton.com). :tup:

+ I'm not going to complain at a 3rd party company charging more than a Volvo Certified Dealership for 'Volvo Blue Box' parts at discount prices....If you went to any dealership near you, I highly doubt you would get the Tasca/DW pricing . And even if they bought everything at Tasca pricing, How would they stay in business? Of course they have to charge more...

My local stealership will usually match Tasca's pricing if I bring in a printout of the price quote from Tasca's site. Although one time the parts manager got really upset (can't remember for what part) and said, "I can't sell this to you at that price! That's below wholesale!!"


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+ I'm not going to complain at a 3rd party company charging more than a Volvo Certified Dealership for 'Volvo Blue Box' parts at discount prices....If you went to any dealership near you, I highly doubt you would get the Tasca/DW pricing . And even if they bought everything at Tasca pricing, How would they stay in business? Of course they have to charge more...

Sorry but I don't think anyone here is asking a 3rd party company to match the prices of Tasca etc. However, listing a part for double the Volvo LIST price is called a rip-off. I think it's perfectly acceptable to charge closer to list on blue box items - I absolutely agree with you on that. People can shop around or choose to pay a tiny bit more for the convenience of ordering some blue box parts with whatever non blue box items you are ordering and that's a choice.

My comment was more in regard to lots of "little" mistakes on the websites and with shipping etc. As I've said in prior threads, it seems like FCP grew significantly faster than their capabilities which can be great as long as the services can catch up pretty quickly...when they can't then problems arise. Plus, how long does a site need to be "in beta?"

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I still don't understand why the old site and fcp euro exist together. It makes it confusing and its a chore to have to check prices between 2 websites from the same company.

I still shop there occasionally, but I also have started ordering from eeuroparts, tasca and Amazon because I have a prime membership.

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i too have wondered WHY the need for two freaking sites and two different prices on each site. they probably have another " thats something we are working on it" excuse.

so lets get this staight:

-tasca for OEM parts

-eeuroparts for aftermarket parts?

what if chuck told fcp to fuck off and another volvo vendor picked up the slack like eeuroparts LOL :P

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The thing that pisses me off is when they say they'll do things yet don't follow through. I had a warranty set of plug wires that I ordered for my 940. I asked for a return label to ship it back and I was told "absolutely, no problem!" There was no return label in the box and I had to call in to remind them to have my account refunded after I had the broken goods returned to them. I still had to pay for shipping on the warranty part as well. I just think they need to do some SERIOUS housecleaning.

I remember 10 years ago they were the absolute BEST company to deal with, hands down. I wish they would kick themselves in the ass and get a little bit of that attitude back that they used to have. It really is a bummer to hear and see of this constant bad news with them...just makes you wonder...

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They are correcting their mistake.Too little too late perhaps. I have great success with TASCA also. RM European also.

I like to buy from one vendor, keeps accounting easy.

Maybe they just need to hire competent order pickers and QC the shipments before they go out the door.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again...any body can sell me a black box, but can you make it work on Sunday when it shits the bed?

They are telling me to keep the Chinese parts, no need to send them back. "we don't need them back". What am i supposed to do with them?

Its about CS. Reactive CS is not a quality I look for. Sorry Scott, Chris, you need to review your staff and your system. You have hired some schmucks that cant read. The message I left last weekend was not meant to be a threat. Its a truism. Continue on this path and you will be killed in the market place. The free market always speaks the truth. Be a while before I come back.

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gave em another shot today..ordered an AC condenser. They have the 10% code and the Nissens condenser is only $109. Yeah yeah its nissens, but I rarely use my AC and I just like everything to work (especially defrost).

We will see. I paid for UPS shipping though. $9 and I will have it Thursday

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what if chuck told fcp to monkey off and another volvo vendor picked up the slack like eeuroparts LOL :P

They may have their issues...but that's no reason to throw them in the water like that...it's not like they gave people on this site discount codes and great service for many many many years. You can order from wherever you want at the end of the day, but to say something like that is to say to anyone who ever would consider supporting this site, to go eat a chode. Nothing has stopped eeuro from coming in here and supporting the forum. Things change yes....but they still pay for vendor status and still respond and fix our issues on our own board, they help market for our own vendors products(Snabb products), they still are cheaper than IPD on aftermarket items and have a wider selection.

I'm not excusing the issues, but, comments like that are silly.

And yes, I am being a total fan-boy lol

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