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Motor Swap Question


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Doesn't the '98 have M4.4? And there's a total smattering of different transmission control computers and sensors... not sure it's as direct as he made it sound.

The motor itself and tranny are the same and should swap in no problem.

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I am going to go out on a limb and guess that you have never done an engine swap. It usually does not involve swapping accessories, although that wouldn't really matter here anyway.

Doesn't the '98 have M4.4? And there's a total smattering of different transmission control computers and sensors... not sure it's as direct as he made it sound.

Yes, the 98 ECU has Motronic 4.4. And if the 96 has an air pump, then it also has 4.4. But who cares - OP asked about an engine swap and there is no reason to touch the ECU that currently sits in the 98. Although you could also swap the ECUs if you really wanted to.

Just swap the engine and transmission, which are the same. It's really as direct as I made it sound.

Yeah, just have to swap all the bits with wires on them.


Even if OP did move over accessories during the engine swap, I can only think of one "bit with wires" that is potentially different between a 4.3 96 and a 98; some 96 NAs have EGR. So don't move it over, only move the engine (keep the 98 intake and exhaust). Or if you insist on moving it, plug it up. There will not be an EGR connector on the 98 wiring harness. Are you thinking of sensors, ignition etc.? M4.3, M4.4, it doesn't matter here, they are all the same. So no swapping. And this isn't "wire bits" but as always keep the same fuel line setup in the recipient. Also unrelated but I'd get rid of SAS if the 98 has it.

If I'm mistaken, could you list "all the bits with wires" that must be swapped?

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Just remove the block and tranny from the 96 and swap it over to the 98. No need to mess with anything other then seals, oil pan o-rings, timing belt if it needs it and deleting the SAS completely while everything is out.

If the 96 has a lot lower miles then you can use a lot of the sensors or hoses and all the little bits you want to bother with.

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