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I Want The Heico Gear Handle


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I was wondering if it would be possible to use the heico manual gear handle in place of my automatic? I understand it seems like a very stupid question, but is there any way to modify the manual one to use as a automatic. I'm sure there is a way but how much is involved....too much??

Just want to know cause I'm going to eventually strip the wood strim away and put aluminium or black...and don't want to be stuck with a wood handle...and yes I believe there is a all leather volvo handle, but would rather an aftermarket one.

Here is the link of the handle:click here



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not sure if it is possible with an auto since you have the gear select switch

if you could override it, then i suppose it would be okay, but you would risk hitting the gear select and possibly shift from D to R, which would be baaad

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Thanks for the replies,

I thought about taking my chances with overrinding the button, I went 3 months without lights down there and yes at night it was kinda difficult but then I got use to it. But would it fit...just like that? (what to do with the buttom...how would you override that?)

"Finding access to that button elsewhere"...? That's what I was thinking. If it could pass through the heico handle and create an opening somewhere it would work. Only if the manual handle fits onto an automatic.

I think someone should look into this...I mean there's more automatics here in US/Canada then Europe. :D

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