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Timing Belt Trouble.. Please Help...`


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I popped the cover off and the timing marks are on the money once I turned it by hand once.. the belt looks good and I can tell its been done before by part numbers listed on the timing cover.. I didn't get a hold of my compression test kit I loaned out and didn't want to buy a new one with the list of parts I need to buy.. but I'm tracking I down.. in the mean time I need to locate the bad leak..

Any other ways to check a blown HG other the look for coolant oil mix.. I also noticed a small amount of oil on the heat shield but not sure the path it took...

Any advice is appreciated greatly..

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Coolant system is pretty simple. Coolant enters the radiator on the passenger side of the motor, exits radiator on drivers side (lower radiator hose) into a long coolant hose over the transmission which feeds the metal water line behind the block. (The water line sends coolant to the turbos) the water line goes into the block behind the motor near the water pump.

You need to do a compression test before any further disassembly.

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Thanks to all that replied with input and advice.. Just finished taking my heat shields off to see what is leaking.. the head gasket blew out in the back.. water leaks right out between the head and block... so no compression on a few cylinders is the reason the motor turns and sounds weird..

Does anyone have a write up or pdf with the procedure for a HG r&r??

I'm running a search for it..but any help is appreciated.. thanks

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There is a write up on Matthews volvo site regarding replacing a HG. Its for a T5 but enough of it applies to the T6 that I was able to use it as a guide when I replaced my HG. I strongly recommend that you get a volvo cam locking tool instead of trying to make one similar to the one in the write up.

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Thanks for the posts S8Et6 and 831t5r. I will look for the for the answer to if its really the head gasket or the block.. Praying its just the a head gasket.. not a bad head or block.. What I have found is the leak between the head and block but only by feel. I was looking to get a mirror and get a better look.. but never the less the head is going to come off. I was going to ask for all the horror stories so I wont be surprised when I run into a nightmare :-).. So if there are more of them, let me hear them..

I’m gathering all info that I can find to have in my hand while doing the work in case I have any dobt on any part of the job. I would love if someone had a the full procedure from the manual.. but ill take what I can get..

Question, if it is only the HG, I should have the head pressure tested, inspected and cleaned?? Anything else?

Thanks again

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Im sure someone has done it... Im up to the challenge.. I want to take pics for reference.. HG R&R would be the basic mechanics, the not so easy part or the part that I would need DIY for is setting the timing up correctly as its different from American cars setups.. I have good info now, but looking to get a good manual or pdfs of the procedure.. You know even in the dealerships, the tech always refer to the manual/procedure when its a job they haven’t done too many times.. I know as I have worked in several dealerships in my day.. Even if the tech doesn’t look it up in a manual, they will get one of the buddy techs to help them out on the tough jobs.. the interwebs makes that information accessible to everyone. Im going In... ;):tup:

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I havent done a headgasket on an old t6. But should be the same as a 5 cylinder headgasket. Just use a cam tool to lock the cams in when you remove em and then just out em back in when going together. Wont need to time anything just make sure marks line up and hubs arent liosened

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it's identical to doing a 5 cylinder. Only thing is you have two exhaust manifolds, and unbolting the one on the drivers side SUCKS because of no clearance in there. Just follow a guide for any 5 cylinder that has dual VVT, since you have to reset the VVT hubs also.

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thx.. all for the posts.. I dont think im fracked JRL.. There is always an option man... If the motor is garbage, I still have options... just like life right.. roll with the punches.. VVT would be my only challenge since I have never set one up, but taking the optimistic approach..


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