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What Is This Plastic Piece?

Tyler T5R

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I'm working on my timing belt job on my 1998 V70R and found this on the ground directly below the front of the engine. What is it? It's a hollow plastic peg about 1.5" long and 3/8" diameter that appears to have broken off from somewhere.


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looks like the part of the inside timing belt cover where the bolt for the outside cover goes through

It can't be that. The other end not visible is closed, so no bolt goes through this.

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Did your belt jump time when the tensioner pulley came apart? Looks bad in that picture!

Dont remember the purpose of that part, but I would never JB Weld anything in the timing cover. If it brakes off (most likely), it will get into the timing belt and you'll bend valves.

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Did your belt jump time when the tensioner pulley came apart? Looks bad in that picture!

No, that's not my car. I stripped the t45 tensioner pulley bolt and had to cut it off.

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its called a "bonus part"

you receved it for free after working on you car... just ignore it (or frame it)

it happens all the time.. NBD lol

Ahh yes, the bonus parts. I have fist fulls, arm fulls of parts from just 2 cars.

lol +1 to you sir, so true.

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