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Rebuild 16T Before Swap, Or Run It?

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Hello all,

Purchased a 16T to swap onto my 2000 S70. Currently has a 15G (I know, no sense swapping), and I was going to swap to the 7cm housing anyway. Figured while the rest of the lump is out, I may as well go to the 16T.

The "new" unit is said to be from an '03 S60 T5, and is very clean. No idea on mileage, but the actuator is still shiny and there are no cracks at all in the turbine housing (thought they all cracked eventually :lol:). Anyway, has a little bit of radial shaft play, but no axial play. I know that with a journal bearing, some play is normal. Not sure how much though, or how hard to push and pull on the shaft (as that seems to change it as well). The 15G had no play when installed, but I didn't really push that hard either :D. How hard should one move the shaft, and how much play is 100% normal?

Really hate to tear it down, but don't want to install it and wonder forever either. Spins free, albeit a bit stiff (won't spin once left go). I assume that's just from being dry for a while. I know the kits are cheap, but will already have installation costs. Just trying to keep this cheap, so the Wife doesn't wonder why I need to buy more parts to swap a turbo that there's nothing wrong with :lol:.




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I personally probably wouldn't rebuild it. They rarely go bad. Normal shaft play I would guess is about a mm but I don't know exactly. You can kind of just tell by feel after handling a couple of them. They usually wont spin much by hand after you let go when there is no oil in them. Don't go crazy trying to spin it though, as you are rubbing metal to metal in points where it would normally never make contact during operation. Also, I've handled a couple where there was enough play that the impeller would drag ever so slighty on the inside of the inlet and they still worked fine. All of that slack is basically taken up by oil pressure.

One last thing, no S70s came with a 15G to my knowledge. Are you sure that's what is installed now?

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Thanks for the reply. I guess I'm leaning the same way, that it's probably fine. Would hate to waste the time and money to throw a kit in it, only to find that it was normal play. Felt the 13T that was originally removed from the car, and it has the same play (had 125k on it).

Not that it's THAT hard to pull it in the future if need-be, just have heard some here say they get "tired" and don't pull as hard. 15G to 16T sway is already minscule, want it to work as well as possible :D.

As for the 15G on an S70, you are correct. I installed it back in 2009 ;).



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Sorry for the double post guys :(...

Hey Joe, be aware the 03 turbo CHRA is a bit different on the oil and water lines. The 94-00 have a connection on each face, the 01-07 have two on the face toward the firewall. I guess you already know that but just a little advise.

Thanks :). I can't seem to find any hard info on it, but have heard '01 and '02 units had the two lines on the same side, but '03- were opposed again? The unit I have here has one on each side, as the older units. So, it either isn't an '03 unit, or they flip-flopped back and forth.

Sure is clean, and the P/N doesn't match older units (this one is 9471655) that I've seen on eBay, etc. I don't know, trying to figure out what year it is for sure, as the coolant line theory doesn't match up...

Either way, it's oriented the way I need. Thanks for the heads up :).


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