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Anti-Black Friday? Chime In.

Matty Moo

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Hate Black Friday and IMHO, Cyber Monday is just as dumb. It's not what Thanksgiving is about.

My in-laws drive me bat-shit crazy but I still like this time with them and my family. No desire to go spend money with throngs of idiots.

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I don't want to turn the focus of this in to a walmart debate but I've noticed that not all walmarts are created equal. Growing up, my local Walmart was staffed by generally alright people, and the customers were all pretty nice too. It was far from the "people of walmart" stuff. We didn't have a Target or other similar business in the area, and it was a middleclass area. Yet I saw others that had the most miserable employees and customers. I guess my point is that you don't hate walmart as much as you simply hate stupid/ignorant people and they tend to congregate there. Especially if you area has other choices for department stores.

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I don't want to turn the focus of this in to a walmart debate but I've noticed that not all walmarts are created equal. Growing up, my local Walmart was staffed by generally alright people, and the customers were all pretty nice too. It was far from the "people of walmart" stuff. We didn't have a Target or other similar business in the area, and it was a middleclass area. Yet I saw others that had the most miserable employees and customers. I guess my point is that you don't hate walmart as much as you simply hate stupid/ignorant people and they tend to congregate there. Especially if you area has other choices for department stores.

Given what Walmart does to local economies, given what it does to its employees (across the board), people shopping there are shooting themselves in the foot. I'll GTFO of this thread to avoid turning it into a political thread, but I'm with Greg on this: I hate the company and everything about its business practices.

Not saying there is no place for big box stores in our economy, just saying Walmart stinks.

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