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Quick Pre-Winter Wax.

Matty Moo

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I usually would have had all of my cars waxed before now, but I've been strapped for time. I had a few extra hours today so I tackled the Chrysler. It's the least favorite of my cars to do any type of detailing on, but the most rewarding when it's done. For some reason the clear on this car is a lot harder then all of the other Chryslers I've had, which is fine with me.

It was originally a snowbird's car and was never waxed or garaged, just automatic car washes...and it showed. When I got it with 70k 18 months ago the first thing I did was spend a day and a half fixing the paint. Wash, clay,heavy polish, fine polish and wax. It looked wet when I was done. Since then I just clay, polish and wax every 4 months.

Since I only had 3 hours I just did a quick wash and wax, it just had to have something on it before the salt comes. I used Collinite 918 with a Flex. Since the Collinite is a heavy paste I used a butterknife to put it on the pad. I like this stuff because it lasts forever, I've tried everything before and nothing has held up as well. Under no circumstances do you want the sun to touch this stuff for even a second, it's hell to remove if you do. It's perfect if it's 60-70f, any warmer and you really have to be careful with it, if it sits too long it's a bitch to remove.

I've been getting about 4 months out of each application.

You can see all the way down the street in this pic.







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