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Lucky Day?

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So last night I was rolling of the chair for the "E-bay misspelling" soon all was over.

This morning I went out for 2 miles around home and I got this noise/sound like rubbing out of nowhere, first thing I have a flat?Stop the car sound still there, walk out pop the hod and I see my timing belt chewing nicely the belt cover!!!

I still have left 7 ball bearing from the belt tensioner!!! Enjoy the pictures.




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Just for the sake of reference, what style tensioner (mechanical or hydraulic), and what mileage on the components?

Is (was) mechanical, lost the ball bearing and get stuck midway not to loose and then froze and got eated by the belt.

Was up for timing(hardware ) on the next month by 95.xxx, belt was only 25.xxx when I swap the engine. I guess the driving style as well stress a lot my belts.

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I'm lost, your hardware had 95k on it? Which car was this? If it was the 98 S70 then you were 25k miles over the interval and very fortunate indeed. I ask because I saw my own mechanical tensioner fail at 138k miles right before I was going to take it in for a complete change of everything.

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A year a go I did the swap (engine and tranny) engine have less than 60.xxx and at that time I change only the belt (any other components seems ok, still today no leaks etc).Anyway this year I drive this car only 30.xxx.

I am glad I was around home when happen.

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good save indeed.. this happened to my wagon only a few months after I got it .. except I was on the way to work with the radio up .. died on the highway, bent valves .. same deal with the mechanical tensioner ball bearings failing ..and I was only about 1 or 2k away from a timing belt change .. oh well, I was about to pay someone else to do my timing belt which I will never have to do again since I ended up learning a ton from the experience ...

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What is with your numbering?

.xxx makes no sense!

For reference, although you know this. Belts rarely fail, it's the tensioner that is the most frequent failure. All the other parts will go well beyond the normal TB service interval. I'm really surprised that it didnt last past 100K. Not very common to fail at this mileage, unless it has a lot of idling time in the city.

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What is with your numbering?

.xxx makes no sense!

For reference, although you know this. Belts rarely fail, it's the tensioner that is the most frequent failure. All the other parts will go well beyond the normal TB service interval. I'm really surprised that it didnt last past 100K. Not very common to fail at this mileage, unless it has a lot of idling time in the city.

30.xxx =30.000 thousand miles

I am surprise to, I do have other cars (Volvo) and I see timing components with a lot more miles on it. The driving style must be the culprit an no city idling.

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Not very common to fail at this mileage, unless it has a lot of idling time in the city.

Ahh now that makes perfect sense .. my v70 used to be a boston coach limo .. I'm sure it spent plenty of time idling with the old motor .. and I assume tensioner wasnt changed at 70k...

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