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  • 3 weeks later...
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Some updates to my setup and ongoing "off grid build". I've piped propane into the kitchen for a double burner. I don't intend to use it regularly but it's a good backup. I'll be expanding my propane reserve appropriately. Build a liquid fuel burner that I can mount in the wood stove. Designed to run on; old gas, diesel, kerosene, mineral spirits, etc (any liquid fuel that burns well). I'll be playing with it soon to compare its btu output to the wood I've been using. I'm pulling together all of the stuff I don't use anymore and/or can't use due to power requirements. Living room tv, microwaves, desktop computer, electric heaters, espresso machine, nitrous kit, some misc car bits, washer, dryer, etc etc etc. This will go a long ways towards decreasing our power demands (some of those items are/were still used to a degree). The funds will be put towards improving/expanding our water setup. Selling off a bunch of silver tonight. I don't feel that I'll see much benefit and I'll already be making a nice profit. As I don't heat the bedroom at night I've covered the north side window (which is right next to the bed) with a space blanket. VERY nice improvement noticed when I get up in the morning, haha. Debating purchasing a hand level powered log splitter. Like this one: http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200316859_200316859 - I currently split with an axe and it's a little rough on my back. Perhaps I should just build my own manual log splitter though.

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Heating experiments ... There's only so much to do in the winter especially with the shorter days. So, I've tried a few things lately as an alternative to heating with wood.

I now have a gravity fed liquid fuel burner that works pretty nicely. I need to add a high quality brass pepcock though as different fuel viscocities are giving me problems. BTU output has been great.

I've tried burning charcoal as well. Yes, charcoal like for your grill. I can easily buy it for <0.50c per pound so I though it was worth a try. I found that it's nice for when I want to keep the fire just barely going but doesn't provide enough BTUs to sufficiently heat the house.

I also tried just not running it at all one day and seeing how cold the house was in the morning. With a 25f outside low the house was at 50f when I got up ~0530. This is interesting considering that the house was at ~72f at 2100 the evening beforehand and ~68f when I went to bed. 50f is obviously survivable without issue but makes for a pretty miserable morning. Even the cat was pissed, haha.

Yesterday, I pulled apart the piping and all looked pretty good. The little bit of build up was just the powdery stuff and fell freely when I smacked the pipe.

Now that I'm pretty happy with the stove it's time to look at adding thermal mass and insulation. It's a manufactured home so I'm hesitant to add much mass directly inside due to the floor. I'll have to see what I can get my hands on for stone and see about incasing the lower section of the house and skirting in a ring perhaps. Thoughts?

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The real issue is that corn is an incredibly inefficient veggie in both resources required for growing and nutritional value. On top of being difficult to grow here in AZ. That's a pretty coarse grind too. I'd rather by a nice grain mill and do it with a hand crank. In the end though it's interesting to look at anything human powered. So long as you're doing something worth it. If it takes 500 calories to make 400 calories you're losing, haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As several people suggested bulk propane I decided to increase my propane storage and uses. I now have:

>200 lbs of propane available.

The ability to using it for light, heat, and cooking.

Propane heater

Propane lamp

Propane double burner

I invested in a tank "tree" for the optimal use of each tank. It is a pipe with several connection points which sticks straight out of the top of the tank. I can place a propane lantern on top and light the majority of the home with brightness equal to a 100w bulb. One line goes into the kitchen where I have a double burner. Another line goes into the middle of the livingroom/kitchen/diningroom space for the heater.

One 20 lb tank will run the heater on high for 48 hours straight. Or >80 hours straight on high for the lantern. The rate for the burners is unknown but it's not like I'd be running them contantly. None of them would run constantly really and the heater would only be ran during the winter. It's a nice backup as it provides everything in one fuel source.

I'll likely use the double burner on a semi regular basis. Still opting for alcohol for typical stove use. I can also make gel alcohol as needed which is great for storing but doesn't burn as hot.

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The setup is to run basically any alcohol. It'll even run on 91% isopropyl though it doesn't burn as well and is expremely hydophylic.

But yes, it's basically Sterno. It's very simple to make your own and you can use whatever is handy.

There's many marine stoves which are designed to just run on liquid alcohol. I have a similar setup but land based, haha.

I also have kerosene and the associated equipment. I can light, heat, and cook with it as well though it's my backup-backup-backup ;-)

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Gelling alcohol lowers the btu output considerably. Liquid alcohol will burn plenty hot enough for whatever you need. Boils water quickly. However, the gelled fuel will not burn hot enough to boil water unless you are getting 100% of the heat into whatever you're heating. Liquid fuel is certainly best but the gel version has it's uses. Mind you, I can make sterno that burns hotter than real sterno.

Keep in mind, I don't have to cook in the kitchen all the time. A rocket stove outside is a great tool and will burn anything that burns, haha. The solar oven is also useful year round here in AZ so long as you don't mind tending it and being cold personally when using it in the winter, lol.

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My dad's friend has a moderate to severe-diagnosed autistic son, who is about 20 years old.

I was having a conversation with him, and he believes his bedroom is a fortress for himself, and he collects critters because sometimes he feels lonely (not in anyway being derogatory here, just pointing out what he told me)

He also went on and on about going off the grid. Just sayin......

And no, he's not one of those guys planning on shooting anyone up (not saying this because he can't, just saying it because he has no access to guns ....hint hint gun lovers)

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