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Sounds like a liberals argument to me. 100% of people who drink water die. Ban water ! ... pft ...

Anyways ... This weekend I'll be purchasing all the new goodies to complete my rainwater setup as well as delivery methods to the house and gardens/orchards.

Temps are back up so I wont be using the woodstove as much. I'm only running it for a little each night at the moment. Just as a luxury though as it's not really needed.

I've finally eaten through a noticable amount of mone on this project. Still looking good for my early retirement though. Well within my buffers.

The only remaining things that's a mystery is when I will call it quits, retire, and run the ranch full time.

Autistics and unibombers both want to be alone, but wanting to be alone doesn't make you autistic or a unibomber.

A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. Correlation does not equal causation. These points are mysteries to liberals.

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And women can detect and defend rape-sperm. And we need to separate church and state except for all those morality laws and misinterpretations of the bible. Oh wait, those are conservative points. Don't go making this political, both sides have their low-points. He was just telling a story trying to joke around, and use it as a way to call you crazy.

Here, I'll say it for him, I think you're crazy. I think I already said that somewhere else in the thread though.

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Hahaha, I was making a generalization for sure. I have no illusions about politics at this point.

I've worked hard to seperate my personal views and political ones.

Crazy is fine. That's why it's MY goal. If I came on here and tried to recruit people I could see you all waiting for the Kool-aid handouts to start happening.

I just want my early retirement and self sufficient living is the easiest (well, not exactly easy but whatever) way.

The doomsday prepper mindset exists to some degree I'll admit but really has nothing to do with my goal.

Backups are important for any system when you're not willing to run to walmart at the 1st sign of trouble.

At the end of the day I'll be retired by 30, eating well (and healthy), and enjoying my time doing whatever I please.

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Overhead is really high. It's worth it if you make it a business but would be very difficult to do for personal use.

I've actually researched a great number of animals for use and simply come back to: Rabbits, Chickens, Tilapia

Besides ... if Polestar sponsered a bird you all would be EFFED ... ;-)

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Most people think Volvos suck as performance cars. All Volvos must suck as performance cars therefor. This is your logic you understand?

Also, 2 incidents is hardly a trend. If your goal is to troll then take it somewhere else because I don't play internet games.

For those you have any feelings on long term food storage I have a nice tidbit. Now, long term food storage doesn't have to be for "prepping" or whatever. Buying food for cheap and preserving it just makes financial sense. In fact, my food storage has outperformed every 401k and most stocks for the past several years straight. Anyways ... Oils store very poorly. Rancidification is an anaerobic breakdown and will occur no matter what you do. Generally, fats can only be stored for 1-2 years therefor. There's a couple exceptions however. UNREFINED coconut oil can last indefinetely. Also, you can store butter with a simple canning techinique. Check out the process here -> http://www.endtimesreport.com/canning_butter.html

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Most people think Volvos suck as performance cars. All Volvos must suck as performance cars therefor. This is your logic you understand?

Also, 2 incidents is hardly a trend. If your goal is to troll then take it somewhere else because I don't play internet games.

For those you have any feelings on long term food storage I have a nice tidbit. Now, long term food storage doesn't have to be for "prepping" or whatever. Buying food for cheap and preserving it just makes financial sense. In fact, my food storage has outperformed every 401k and most stocks for the past several years straight. Anyways ... Oils store very poorly. Rancidification is an anaerobic breakdown and will occur no matter what you do. Generally, fats can only be stored for 1-2 years therefor. There's a couple exceptions however. UNREFINED coconut oil can last indefinetely. Also, you can store butter with a simple canning techinique. Check out the process here -> http://www.endtimesreport.com/canning_butter.html

I said it's a trend. A generalization, which you should understand, since you've made several of them in this thread. I'm not trolling. I'm pointing out a trend, and like I said, you're taking it how you want to take it!

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Buying food for cheap and preserving it just makes financial sense. In fact, my food storage has outperformed every 401k and most stocks for the past several years straight.
I require more details on that. By any chance, have you been comparing the past 5 years of a recession against your stockpile's costsavings? Because I'd argue you really need to look 15-20 years back and average it. And are you saying you're buying food which then increases in cost over 5 years?
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Are you buying preserved food ie canned food, or are you buying food and then preserving it.....

in like a freezer, or by pickling or self-canning? how long of a preservation period are you looking at? and if you want to go off grid, then why are you buying food?

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Are you buying preserved food ie canned food, or are you buying food and then preserving it.....

in like a freezer, or by pickling or self-canning? how long of a preservation period are you looking at? and if you want to go off grid, then why are you buying food?

If you don't buy food, how else can you breed food?

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If you don't buy food, how else can you breed food?

well, i understand the initial expenses to get started, that's a given like buying livestock and seeds and fertilizer to get started....after that, breeding, growing etc would become just labor

i'm just curious about the preserving part.....doesn't make sense to me....i know in the villages of india, pickling is very popular for preseving food, but you can't preserve everything, and it only lasts for so long (6 months and that's only because indian diet is generally vegetarian)

pickled meat on the other hand, i wouldn't trust it.

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Dude I'm Mormon. We've perfected the science and economics of food storage. You could learn a few things in my storage pantry and kitchen. ;)

The point is to buy the best foods on sale and store them for regular usage. We keep a year's supply of meat and 3 month's supply of most other foods we eat outside of the fresh vegetables.

My wife grew up on a gentleman's farm where they basically raised everything they needed. Dad was a lawyer. Chickens and beef were slaughtered every year and stored for the winter. Fruit and vegetables were harvested and canned or frozen. Best hamburger you've never eaten since they ground up an entire cow. Apple juice and grape juice canned. Beans, carrots, pears, peaches, strawberries, blueberries frozen. Apple pies and strawberry pies frozen. Jams of all varieties canned. Tomato sauce and whole tomatoes canned.

She's the best damn cook I've ever met. Everything from scratch.

Most people think Volvos suck as performance cars. All Volvos must suck as performance cars therefor. This is your logic you understand?

Also, 2 incidents is hardly a trend. If your goal is to troll then take it somewhere else because I don't play internet games.

For those you have any feelings on long term food storage I have a nice tidbit. Now, long term food storage doesn't have to be for "prepping" or whatever. Buying food for cheap and preserving it just makes financial sense. In fact, my food storage has outperformed every 401k and most stocks for the past several years straight. Anyways ... Oils store very poorly. Rancidification is an anaerobic breakdown and will occur no matter what you do. Generally, fats can only be stored for 1-2 years therefor. There's a couple exceptions however. UNREFINED coconut oil can last indefinetely. Also, you can store butter with a simple canning techinique. Check out the process here -> http://www.endtimesreport.com/canning_butter.html

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thats wild butter read. wouldn't of believed it.

Canned butter does not "melt" again when opened, so it does not need to be refrigerated upon opening, :huh:

I'm a little bewildered by it as well. I'm going to give it a try and see what happens though.

I think they mean that it doesn't melt at room temp however.

I require more details on that. By any chance, have you been comparing the past 5 years of a recession against your stockpile's costsavings? Because I'd argue you really need to look 15-20 years back and average it. And are you saying you're buying food which then increases in cost over 5 years?

It was a bit of overexaggeration but most of the things I purchased a few years ago now cost double. If I had to go out and buy them now I'd spend more obviously.

I will poke around and see if I can find a general food price chart for the past couple decades however. Though that's not really fair as I haven't been saving food that long.

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