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Building An Injector Cleaning Machine, Looking For Ideas, Input, Features.


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Hello All,

I thought you guys might be interested in my current project. I am building a fuel injector cleaner, basicaly from what i have in my junk bins. So far i have a functioning machine and it works quite well. I had a real dirty set of 240 injectors that now flow evenly.

Right now its basicly 3 timed cycles at 50% duty cycle. 5 and 30 minute cycles for cleaning, then i have a 30 second cycle i use to measure the flow with graduated cylinders. I plan to make two 30 second cycles at 80% and 100% duty cycle for more real world flow testing, but as is gives me a good before/after measurement. One issue i ran into is running low res injectors. The 740 green tops are 2.4 ohms and that over loads my power stage, but can run 2 at a time. I will beef that up when i get more supply. Also, i want to come up with a quick chance system for different fuel rails, and have a stande alone adjustable FPR, for now tho it seems most Bosch injectors should work in the 240 rail.

So far the parts list is:

-240 Fuel rail

-850 Fuel filter

-Some Mercedes Fuel pump

-clear PVC tubing and T fittons from home depot (these wont last long, i know)

-Scrap wood

-Arduino micro controller

-Thrown together power stage for injector and relay control

-1 Gallon tank from some lawn tractor.





Please don't mind my typos. For some reason this forum disables FireFox's spell check and ability to edit, and i am bad at the key board some times.

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Curious on the max pulse width of a fuel injector. Does it depend on the injector or is it the same for every injector. I remember reading if you leave a injector open for more than like 15 or 20ms it can overheat and get stuck open.

Hmm, that is something i am trying to look into. Right now they are running 50ms on, 50ms off. OE flow rates are measured at 100%, but 80% is the real world goal.

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