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Fu&*ing Bmw Douchebags


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im confused, can someone give me the dumb down version of whats going on?

Kid wants to convert a 6 cylinder BMW to a 4 cylinder BMW. First response states that he's doing something illegal, keyboard warriors start fighting, OP's question is never answered.

Just another day on just another car forum.

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At least there was one quality response: "I sometimes wonder why I swim in this pool...obviously I'm missing something. Where do all of the angry people come from? I just stated the facts BRO...and as for your acting like my "come-back" wasn't good enough...please wear a condom...the world doesn't need another genius like you running around."

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i don't get it. this kind of shit happens here every time, and we don't call each other douchebags (yet)!



The White Goodman meme is especially appropriate in this case, on multiple levels.


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See, main problem there is you're looking at Bimmerforums.

I am registered on there, have been for about eight months.

I haven't visited in about eight months.


After a bit of looking around the forum I didn't even bother posting about the 3l --> 4l V8 transplant I registered to do research for... ^_^

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