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Detonation Cause Spun Bear?


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update on my finding. just got done droping the oil pan. didn't see alot of metal shaving. i did see something but is very little. i think is normal wear and tear since i believe this is the first time the pan have been drop. i also check my rod but i didn't see any of them bent. is it possible that it is bent but i can't see it. i did spend half an hour just looking for any sign of contact on the block,piston skirt and wall. other thing im not too sure is when check the rod bearing. do you move it side to side toward side of the block and up and down. i have play when i move them side to side toward front of motor but i believe that is normal. can anybody confirm this for me. is it possible that i have a bad lifter? i'm really stump now. i was so sure it was either the rod or rod bearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i finally got my rod out and number one rod was a little bent. i was surprise it wasn't bent more due to the loud knocking noise. i guess it don't take much to get the motor out of balance. the bent rod is very hard to see even though it is remove from the block. i still don't get what is hitting in the cylinder wall to make that knock noise? i did inspect everything else but didn't see any other damage. any idea?

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It isn't hitting the cylinder wall at all. In fact, you probably have no damage to the cylinders or pistons.

I can't remember where exactly it contacts, but examine the rod closely. Look for a part that seems to be machined. It isn't.

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