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What Do You Think About This Quote?


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"Liberals are young, misguided hippies or old hippies and right wing is filled with Mysogynistic rednecks waving guns or Old guys who are tired of everything changing."

I find it amusing if anything... Although this is only true in a generalizing way, its funny. Some people really think like this.

Take this into consideration


Edited by Flyby
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However impressive that map looks, less people live in all those rural counties that are red. For example, look at Illinois, my state. Mostly red, but if you look at that small sliver of blue right next to Lake Michigan, yeah, that's Cook County. It determined the entire state's vote. Side note: you see that box of blue due south of Chicago, that is Champaign County, home of my school, good ole' University of Illinios, Urbana-Champagn. Surprisingly, Kerry only won 50-49 here.

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However impressive that map looks, less people live in all those rural counties that are red.  For example, look at Illinois, my state.  Mostly red, but if you look at that small sliver of blue right next to Lake Michigan, yeah, that's Cook County.  It determined the entire state's vote. Side note: you see that box of blue due south of Chicago, that is Champaign County, home of my school, good ole' University of Illinios, Urbana-Champagn.  Surprisingly, Kerry only won 50-49 here.

What you need to think about when you look at the map, is what type of people are voting from the blue and the red... Most people in the blue areas live in urban, highly populated areas. And most of those people live in apartments and don't own their own home. The red, however, is populated mostly in part by homeowning "traditional" Americans. That is what I wanted you to look at when analyzing the quote.

Urban, young (not owning their own houses, not having that responsibility), and hippies in the blue

Rural, older (owning their own houses and taking on that responsibility), traditional, and rednecks.

Now what do you think?

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What you need to think about when you look at the map, is what type of people are voting from the blue and the red...  Most people in the blue areas live in urban, highly populated areas.  And most of those people live in apartments and don't own their own home.  The red, however, is populated mostly in part by homeowning "traditional" Americans.  That is what I wanted you to look at when analyzing the quote.

Urban, young (not owning their own houses, not having that responsibility), and hippies in the blue

Rural, older (owning their own houses and taking on that responsibility), traditional, and rednecks.

Now what do you think?

Hmm, well I guess "Blue = young, irresponsible, and anti-establishment, and Red = good, upstanding, hardworking Americans." :rolleyes: (I don't get anything about owning a house, or that it somehow makes you a more responsible person from that quote personally.. :huh:)

Edited by swdracr
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I like the quote, and all that red looks pretty convincing until you look at a population density map. :rolleyes:

Look at some $$$$ maps, while you're at it.

My (immensely flawed) logic - poor peopel voted for Kerry because they are too busy working trying to support there families to actually know what is going on. College students are too busy watching TV and getting drunk. Which leads them to be poor, anyway.

I'd say I blame 25-30% of Kerry's vote on that group of people. I also blame 25-50% of Bush's vote on the fact that most of those rich people know darn well know bush is better for them keeping their own money and don't really care what happens to anyone elses, if it makes you feel better.

Again, this logic is incredibly flawed, but I like it!

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I also blame 25-50% of Bush's vote on the fact that most of those rich people know darn well know bush is better for them keeping their own money and don't really care what happens to anyone elses, if it makes you feel better.

I think this is very true. Then you have another 25% of the people that only voted for Bush because he is a Christian. Just like the guy in the other Thread saying he is a traditional family guy and believes in Jesus.

I don't know about you, but all of the people I know that voted for Kerry have at least a College degree and some have Masters or Doctorates.

Also, when you look at the map all you see is how the majority voted, not what the percentage is. When you consider the vote was very close to 50/50 that map is very deceiving.

and what the colors might mean (according to the Washington Post, 2004):

"(Blue Voters)most likely to be found among highly educated women, non-churchgoers, union members and the “cosmopolitans” of the New York area, New England and California.

(Red Voters) older, more likely to be married, less likely to join a union, more likely to be regular churchgoers—mostly at Protestant churches—far more likely to be “born again” Christians...



Edited by wattsat
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I think this is very true. Then you have another 25% of the people that only voted for Bush because he is a Christian. Just like the guy in the other Thread saying he is a traditional family guy and believes in Jesus.

I don't know about you, but all of the people I know that voted for Kerry have at least a College degree and some have Masters or Doctorates.

Also, when you look at the map all you see is how the majority voted, not what the percentage is. When you consider the vote was very close to 50/50 that map is very deceiving.

and what the colors might mean (according to the Washington Post, 2004):

"(Blue Voters)most likely to be found among highly educated women, non-churchgoers, union members and the “cosmopolitans” of the New York area, New England and California.

(Red Voters) older, more likely to be married, less likely to join a union, more likely to be regular churchgoers—mostly at Protestant churches—far more likely to be “born again” Christians...



I like the generalizing there... Ya, everyone who voted for Bush is married, not involved in government, go to church, are protestants, and christians.... So apparently, 53 million people fit that description.

I don't know about you, but all the people I know that voted for Bush have a college education, Masters degrees, own houses and have a steady job. Looks like we know different people! Interesting..... Must have seemed to you that Kerry was going to win in a landslide, since all your friends that were smart were voting for him! :lol:

and what the colors might mean (according to the Washington Post, 2004):

"(Blue Voters)most likely to be found among highly educated women, non-churchgoers, union members and the “cosmopolitans” of the New York area, New England and California.

I like how this points out that they are "Highly educated women". Did they say anything about eductation for the people that voted for Bush? No, just that they are dull, old people. Cracks me up man, another sign of the liberal media. Being a "cosmopolitan",

---One who has no fixed residence, or who is at home in every place; a citizen of the world. ---

Meaning, they usually don't own a house, or have that responsiblity.... as I stated early.

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