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What Do You Think About This Quote?


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I like the generalizing there... Ya, everyone who voted for Bush is married, not involved in government, go to church, are protestants, and christians.... So apparently, 53 million people fit that description.

:lol: Yes, those are some extremely biased generalizations. Not like yours earlier, where people who don't own houses = irresponsible hippies. :rolleyes:

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I was generalizing based on the quote..... I was trying to make it sound one sided from each side.... Soooooo ;)

Hmm I guess I can see that, except for that blurb about owning your own house meaning you're a more responsible person.

Edited by swdracr
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i wonder if the people with whom you choose to be around have any effect on your perspective of the vote?

i definitley don't know a whole lot of people that voted for kerry, but i still know some. all of the people i know that voted period are college graduates, or in college. also, don't just say because colleges are in the south, that the students will automatically be brainwashed and vote for the conservative. OU is a pretty liberal campus with many liberal professors. on the flip side, my grandpa got his masters from USC in the swingin sixties, and voted for bush.

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I think this is very true. Then you have another 25% of the people that only voted for Bush because he is a Christian. Just like the guy in the other Thread saying he is a traditional family guy and believes in Jesus.

I don't know about you, but all of the people I know that voted for Kerry have at least a College degree and some have Masters or Doctorates.

Also, when you look at the map all you see is how the majority voted, not what the percentage is. When you consider the vote was very close to 50/50 that map is very deceiving.

and what the colors might mean (according to the Washington Post, 2004):

"(Blue Voters)most likely to be found among highly educated women, non-churchgoers, union members and the “cosmopolitans” of the New York area, New England and California.

(Red Voters) older, more likely to be married, less likely to join a union, more likely to be regular churchgoers—mostly at Protestant churches—far more likely to be “born again” Christians...



Uhh......John Kerry is Christian too. He's Catholic, I'm pretty sure he believes in Jesus as well.

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i wonder if the people with whom you choose to be around have any effect on your perspective of the vote? 

i definitley don't know a whole lot of people that voted for kerry, but i still know some.  all of the people i know that voted period are college graduates, or in college.  also, don't just say because colleges are in the south, that the students will automatically be brainwashed and vote for the conservative.  OU is a pretty liberal campus with many liberal professors.  on the flip side, my grandpa got his masters from USC in the swingin sixties, and voted for bush.

Most people moderate after they leave college (read: sheltered fantasy world where nothing is real). Its just something about the real world that ruins people's idealistic natures.

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Hmm I guess I can see that, except for that blurb about owning your own house meaning you're a more responsible person.

Never said that either... said it was more responsibility.... that doesn't mean you are more responsible, just means you have 1 more responsibility.

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