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2000 Volvo S80 Project (T5 Engine Swap With M56L And Standalone Ems)

Stefan Mohammed

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that pedal NEEDS to be fixed, it is WAYYY to heavy :/

more updates soon!

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[Picture Update]:

I had a few pictures I wanted to upload from the last few days working on the car. Nothing significant here just general work-related pictures. I also need to take some pictures of the modified throttle pedal and custom firewall bracket we made for the throttle pedal when I have time.


My friend Benjamin Spann from Spann's Garage (Auto Body Repair) helping us fit the driver door properly after we took it out and failed to align it in its original position. Thanks Spann!!!!


I hated the oil stains on the cylinder head so I went to it with a dremel and a metal brush wheel and 5 minutes later this was the result (The two 'segment's where the cam lobes fit under on the head cover on the intake side are the areas I worked on; I did all of the intake side later on).

General overview of the engine bay as it looks now. Things look very dirty inside of here so I need to get to cleaning everything up once the car is driving properly again. You can see some other things I did that I never mentioned in this picture: There are the lines for the catch can running right over the turbo intake pipe, you can see the spacer Kevin made for the charge air pipe so it can't hit the intake manifold, there's the cutout in the firewall we made for the Haltech on the top right, there's the piece of radiator hose we insulated the Haltech's harness in as well, most of the old/flaky firewall material is gone, the idle setup solenoid can be seem to the very bottom of the picture right under the vacuum tree, there's the vacuum hoses routed for the Haltech and the wideband inside the cable management tray for the main engine harness and, there's the throttle cable coming out from the throttle body into the plate we made that goes into the old A/C vent for the stock ECU box.

In other news, I want to enter in IPD's 25,000 Build Off competition. Do you guys think I might stand a chance?

If I enter I'd be categorised into the FWD category or one of the two open performance categories. Do you think my build and story is worthy enough to stand a chance? IPD specifically states that custom work isn't as important as how applicable the work done in the project is to members of the Volvo community with similar cars and how well the competitor is at story telling. My thinking is that I have a FWD P2 S80 that has an engine swap from a FWD P2 S60 T5, has a tonne of bolt-on parts (many of them IPD), has a decent amount of custom work and, has a great story behind all the work (a much more detailed and better story than the story I gave here for the engine conversion). What other project car better demonstrates the part interoperability P2 chassis (thereby showing owners of cars that don't have a large aftermarket that there are options to modify their car), demonstrates how effectively a few simple bolt on parts can easily produce a high performance and fun daily driver and, gives IPD great editorial content with high quality pictures all in one great package? Hopefully no other car than my S80. Then there's the biggest reason for my S80 to win, at least in my mind: If all this can be done on an S80, imagine what can be done on a S60/V70!

I know that there are much better executed builds than my S80 where people create gorgeous Volvo (RT Mechanics 600HP 850, Vok's T6 Amazon, Darko's 850, Project 775 T5 RWD, Project Mjölnir/850 NA and Texascom's N/A 240 BTCC all come to mind) but then again I think that this further justifies my S80; it's a build that is straightforward enough to be done by most of us in the Volvo Community. I'd like to think that my S80 and lookforjoe's V70 XR are cars that really deliver exactly what IPD is looking for in a community project car (not that I could ever compare myself to Hussein who has a world of talent compared to me).

Anyway I'll be entering IPDs competition for the fun of it at least. The opportunity to just daydream what I'd do with that $5000 USD in part money/parts if I win is enough for me to justify the effort to enter this competition.

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Personal note: I need to become a supporting member soon...I spot wayy to many errors after I post updates and I can't edit them again :P

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Definitely enter the IPD contest, its a great project for sure! Keep up the good work, I love seeing progress in this thread.

And being a supporting member has its perks :)

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Definitely enter the IPD contest, its a great project for sure! Keep up the good work, I love seeing progress in this thread.

And being a supporting member has its perks :)

Thanks for the support, I'll give the entry a shot

[Micro update]: Electrician came and we fixed a few things: Driver side window, passenger side window/mirror close/mirror adjust, horn (clockspring torn, need to change), reverse light (we just need a connected to hook up the light now), info stalk, park lights, low beams, approach lights, DIM info display, washer fluid spray.

He has to come back on Sunday to fix some other things. I've been pretty swamped this entire week, I have a major project for my degree due today and then there is a tarmac rally tonight and four gravel rally stages between Saturday and Sunday that I'm attending (Rally Trinidad 2013), so there hasn't been much time allotted to working on the S80.

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Just went through the entire thread. Cool project!

If you're looking Volution V's, I've got a set laying around that are in near-new condition.


PM'd :D

Thanks for the feedback too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Help needed]

My clockspring connector is torn and I need help identifying the part number (there are no part numbers on it). I made a thread with the details here: ... if anyone could help it would be very much appreciated. No other updates with the car as yet as I'm still having problems with the electrician.

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I haven't had much time to work on the car recently as I'm pretty busy with my final year project for school. Since I last posted a few significant things were done on the car. The majority of the electrical work is done. Only a few more outputs/inputs need to be connected to the Haltech and a few factory accessory problems need to be sorted out. The car can technically be tuned right now but I want to get all of the electrical work out of the way so we don't have to remove parts for a second time to access wire harnesses. We had some issues with the Haltech and the ME7 using one water temperature sensor, so we opted to use a dedicated Haltech sensor for the water temperature. Since the Haltech has a limited number of programmable inputs and outputs, and since CVVT does nothing for performance, we also decided to disable CVVT to free up some outputs on the Haltech. Since most of the work done was really just factory sensor and accessory integration with the Haltech, there isn't much in terms of pictures and a description of what was done that I have for you guys other than the CVVT delete and the extra water temperature sensor. Aside from all the electrical work, I installed a Snabb short shifter (big difference in shifter feel/throw and definitely worth it) and I got some custom T5-M badges from Cut-By-Caschy (not sure if he's on VS, I found him through swedespeed). I was also able to modify the function buttons on the climate control unit into regular push-buttons; I'd use these buttons to control functions on the Haltech and retain a factory look. On a more dissapointing note, while removing the trunk trim to work on the REM electronics, I noticed that the mounting bracket for my Ultra-Racing Rear Chassis Brace was broken. I have no idea how this was broken but I know that I definitely need a replacement brace now! I also found out the my clockspring was torn so I had to reorder a new clockspring as well. All that needs to be done for the car to drive now is to get the remaining electricals done, reassemble the interior and change a collapsed subframe bushing (I'm looking into CJ's delrin bushings for this).Even though it's not much work to finish the car, I can't guarantee that the car will be up anytime soon seeing as I have other priorities to see about. I have a feeling that this will be my last update for at least the next two weeks.


Blox Racing 36mm Water Temperature Sensor Adapter with Haltech Water Temp Sensor (sensor is on the reverse side to keep things as stealthy looking as possible).

Blox Racing 36mm Water Temperature Sensor Adapter with Haltech Water Temp Sensor

Modified Throttle Pedal Assembly (I need to sand, prime and paint the metal rod so it doens't rust)

Passthrough plate for throttle cable in firewall (I used the mounting spot for the factory cold air pipe from the AC Blower Housing to the ECU for this)

Snabb CVVT Solenoid Blanking Plate

Broken mount for Ultra Racing Rear Chassis Brace (No idea how this broke but time for a replacement!)


Cut-By-Cashy T5-M Badge (Black acyrlic with aluminium accent piece)

Artsy? shot of the car as it sits in the garage right now.

P.S. As usual I forgot to take pictures of the short throw shifter install and the modified CCM buttons; I'll post these the next time I work on the car. Until then stay tuned for more updates in the next few weeks.

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[Micro Update]:

I've learned a few things about wiring and configuring the standalone from being around the new electrician. In an attempt to save a bit of cash, I tried my hand at integrating some addtional functionality with the Haltech today. This is a cellphone pic of the aftermath of 2 hours of electrical work this evening.


Stay tuned for more updates!

Wow. I didn't know you have a project thread but Keep up the good work Stefan!

Thanks man!

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Hey Stefan, new to this forum, and I love what you've done with your build! I was wondering where you got that "D088" intercooler? I Googled it and couldn't find anything! Do you mind providing a link? Thanks!

Hey! D088 is based in Sweden... if you need any help from them don't be afraid to give them a call and ask for it (they speak English)!!!

Here's the link you asked for (for P2 S60s/V70s/S80s): http://www.do88.se/en/artiklar/engine-_-tuning/intercooler/volvo-2/volvo-s60_v70_s80-turbo-00-09-intercooler.html

Thanks for your feedback on the build!

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Hey! D088 is based in Sweden... if you need any help from them don't be afraid to give them a call and ask for it (they speak English)!!!

Here's the link you asked for (for P2 S60s/V70s/S80s): http://www.do88.se/en/artiklar/engine-_-tuning/intercooler/volvo-2/volvo-s60_v70_s80-turbo-00-09-intercooler.html

Thanks for your feedback on the build!

Oops, I guess I was searching D088 instead of do88, no wonder it wasn't showing up. :P

Thanks for the link!

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