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More Bmw Bull Sh$% For You !


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Lol. I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt, but 95% of the bow owner I have come across have been dickweeds. Don't get me wrong, there are a few good ones out there. But, the look on a bmw owners face when your pulling away and he is realizing he just lost=priceless.

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While I tend to agree that the way a lot of BMW enthusiasts tend to look at things in a certain way, knowing that there are BMW enthusiasts that are very very nice people and see things differently than the normal crowd, I'm not sure I understand the dialogue in the Bimmerforum.

The poster who wrote this kind of started digging the hole: "Ohh RIGHT I Keep forgetting this is a BMW Forum the price for a 10+ year old headunit cant go for anyless than 1000.00". That comment automatically places people on the defensive.

I have an E30 and the forum that I used to frequent (notice the use of the words 'used to') had a lot of nice people that were willing to help and offered advice. But, there were always the dummies that would post stuff like "Duh, Dude...thats an autofaggot...why you spending money fixing it", or "Too bad its not a 4-door E30"...stupid comments like that which come as a result of internet enables phone, wandering malls with nothing to do and having a compeling urge to participate in forums. Heck..the forum's main moderator was trying to sell some crap seat brackets in the post I created to sell a set of Recaro's.....so sometimes, even the moderators have no discipline when they should be enforcing it.

I feel VS is a place that, in general, has a different mentality than other forums. We tend to look at things differently and help each other out in ways that other forums may not see. I know I've sent small bits and pieces to various members free of charge because I had the small plastic clip that was worth $2, and mailing in normal postage...what do you do, ask the person to paypal you $2.50? But...mnay people may see that as an opportunity to charge '$15.00 shipped'

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