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Valentines Day


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What a bunch of malarkey. Why is it EXPECTED that a guy has to go out and get a girl a gift? Where is the equality in that? Valentines day is a shared day and both partners should be gifting. Somehow its expected that the guy has to get the girl a gift or your in the dog house. What rule says this? The girl should pony up too.

If the girl did not do something for Valentines day. So be it.

If the guy does not do something for Valentines day. Apocalypse

Just saying.

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Boxpin - aren't you the one with 4 daughters - teenage and older? If so, you've been at this long enough to know the answers to that question. :lol:

Fortunately my wife and I have sworn off this holiday though we do it vicariously through giving our daughters candy and cards. I'll probably slip her a card and she'll actually be happy about it. The whole day is a disaster for relationships unless you can both agree that it has no basis on your relationship - that it's just a way for florists, choclatiers, restaurants, jewelers, and Hallmark to cash in once more each year. Instead of buying her vastly overpriced flowers on Feb 14th I take that money and surprise her with flowers at least once a month - she would actually get pissed at me if I did buy flowers for Valentines day because I would be wasting money according to her.

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I couldn't remember if I was one up on you or if we were now even in number of daughters. Five here too. :tup:

And trust me, I'm counting. :lol:

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Our Vday is gonna be interesting this year.

She has work then right off to school on thursday, probably pick up some flowers tomorrow while shes working and hide them till the AM.

She mentioned wanting to take me out for once on friday (because of working thursday) but I wanted to change it up and were going to hit a local food truck event on friday night.

Sounds better then eating at a restruant weve probably been to a few times, or even last year.

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If she's not willing to show you her love through VDay then she's not worth much... Although I think there are other ways besides a gift/spending money to show your feelings. I'm not really into the gifting thing, I tell my BF not to buy me anything (although he always does) but instead I hint at just doing something sweet to remind me of how much he cares. And I usually make something and write a cute little note to accompany it. This year I'm going to make more pages of pictures for the scrapbook I made him last year (: sentimental and cute and doesn't cost barely anything. Plus since we're long distance he can look at it when it's been a while.

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