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Why You Need To Dump That 15 Year Old Scd-900/901!

Ghost Shadow

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This goes out to all the folks that want to hold onto 1998 technology....lets leave the 90's where they at...in the 90's

New 2013 Kenwood DNX890HD, Kenwood Excelon Flagship unit, yes this is the flagship unit...the DNN960 is a whole different catagory in its self.

I control pandora from my radio. I just click the icon and it runs the app on my smartphone. same thing with Aha. You run the navigation by garmin and you get live weather, live traffic cameras, and real time traffic!

Welcolm to 2013...15 years after the SCD901 shows up in our X70 cars....hate -1 me all you want, but you know you want this. you know i am right, you just dont want to admit it! this unit is HOT SHIT!

It works wonderfully for me...if you are Prasamin...then nothing works right LOL

screen shots from my cell phone

on screen radio control of pandora!

aha is reading me twitter feeds and facebook feeds

freaking awesome unit! cant wait till the dnn comes out...

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And my 901 works fine for me.

But I don't need the distraction

of all that stuff and a touch screen.

When I'm in my car, I'm DRIVING.

Seriously, man - What's your point?

If people want something more than what

came stock, they probably already know it.

Not hatin', just an observation. ;)

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I'd have to agree. Facebook and twitter in the car? Why?

I need a radio for news and traffic, some tunes on the iPod and I'm good to go. But I'm not discouraging anyone from getting a loaded unit. I have no need or desire myself.

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I agree, facebook and twitter is a bit much.

HOWEVER, I hate picking up my phone and unlocking it to skip a song on Pandora.

Being able to hit a big fat button on a radio rather then jumble through your phone (especially during spirited driving, we've all been there) would be fantastic.

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I agree - The buttons are one of the best parts of old school HUs.

The thing I miss most with a blank, generic touch screen is ergonomics.

I can do just about anything I need to with the 901 without taking my eyes off the road.

There are plenty of great HUs out there, for sure, but if I ever do go aftermarket,

that's gonna be the ticket for me - a simple, large button, tactile interface.

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Its very interesting that the subject a a SCD900/901 is such a debate on VS. Where train horns, GITD wheels, HID vs projectors, SM vs dual mass ect dont get much drama...but swapping out a ancient 15 year old radio to the latest and greatest technology does.

I expected my fan boy DragosD to -1 me, he is a ass like that. Also expected Ben in alaska too...since he is a fan of the sc900/901 every single time i post something about changing a radio.

What i am showing Volvospeed's Audio Section is the latest and greatest techology out there in car multimedia.

This new kenwood deck MSRP @ $1200 bucks

Has the latest technology from garmin navigation.

Can shoy you LIVE traffic cameras

Can show you live weather based off your geo location

Can pull pandora right from your phone with out even touching the phone. MUCH less distraction than you looking at the phone and trying to change source

Has HD Radio

Has SiriusXM that now come with dvr style functions, stop play pause fast foward!!

Oh yeah it does ipod

it also can do a +/- 12 db slope for your crossover

you also can tell it you have 6.5" components in the front, 6x9 on the rear deck and 12" sub in a station wagon...then set the sound stage to go from your feet up to your head

it also has multizone

in other news, one day some of you volvo guys will get a brand new 2013 vehicler in 2023.

When that day comes, you would be happy that this unit can do OEM Controls.

Whats OEM controls? take 2013 ford F150 that has my touch in it. that radio has climate controls, back up camrea, radio on screen as well as many other features. This Kenwood can go in and retain all that stuff. this kenwood can talk to the two different sets of can bus systems in there.

but all that doesnt matter because its a distraction

but all that doesnt matter because it doesnt have buttons

but all that doesnt matter because it doesnt say volvo on it

but all that doesnt matter because (fill in the blank).....

Social media no matter you like it or not its here. 7" touch panels are here. Intergration is here.

I would think VS would be all over this in a positive aspect instead you guys hate it LOL and to my surprise, not...

Just a option for your guys

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So you get an awesome head unit for what? To listen to streamed music at a lower quality through an upgraded sound system. Makes sense.

no not really, i dont use pandora or aha at all, i use my USB or flash drive more....mostly listen to sirius and ipod. pandora does suck lower at lower quality.

here is the IPOD

black eyed peas says it best on how i feel


bruno mars says it best about my volvos


pat, lets take your dodge ram....this radio would make a good upgrade to your oem, even if you have the upgraded alpine system...this will really make it sing!

My VR is so much more enjoyable now with this new headunit. so much more control over the speakers and amps.

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Um, so explain it to us Clark Kent, what exactly is involved in installing this god's gift to auto audiophiles into a P80 platform double din system. If you REALLY want to sell people on doing it, tell us why it's so damn easy to do with the beautiful, informative pictures you always share.

Let's talk fascia, let's talk wiring, let's talk power (battery, amp, etc), let's talk speaker compatibility. Any changes that have to be made there to support it?

I'm not sold yet.

Have Dynaudio. Have center speaker. Have SC-901. Have Blitzsafe for iPod.

I get why you like the flatscreen updated interface.

But I lose some things in the process. So 'splain it to me so I can do it and maybe I'll actually do it.

I have a high end multizone touch screen system in my 2009 Odyssey with all the bells and whistles including GPS. Hell it even has Bluetooth and a fully voice activated system. But I still have tactile buttons for the key interactions like swapping favorite channels, raising the volume, and shifting between audio / video sources. This is the primary issue I have with the touchscreen only systems in a car. Because my primary focus is still driving.

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Its very interesting that the subject a a SCD900/901 is such a debate on VS. Where train horns, GITD wheels, HID vs projectors, SM vs dual mass ect dont get much drama...but swapping out a ancient 15 year old radio to the latest and greatest technology does.

All of those things cost far less than $1200 ;)

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All of those things cost far less than $1200 ;)

And Steve gets his for free for hawking the latest and greatest so there's that too... :P

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i love my 2013 kenwood, except that i can't get the frikin hands free phone calls to work.

otherwise the features are amazing.

and you don't have to spend $1200 on the highest kenwood models...the budget dnx570hd has ALL of the features of the DNX890HD, sans 7" screen and higher voltage preamp outputs and it has a 1 year instead of 2 year warranty....for half the price of the DNX890hd.

for $650-$700, you get almost the same as the DNX8890HD, if you're on a budget.

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What it comes down to to me (and Steve knows I battle with replacing it) is that the sc901 is factory and it performs well. I have a blitzsafe adapter and it does everything I want it to do. I have a Kenwood Double din in my S70 (previous owner). It sounds good but NOTHING like my Dyneaudio/SC901 system does. The ONLY thing the Kenwood has over the OEM (in my eyes) is the navigation. That one difference is enough to almost sway me but then I see the ridiculous price tags on the double din navigation units and it justifies me pulling the garmin out of the glovebox when I need it.

Disclaimer- The opinions shared in this post are those of the poster and may not represent those of the reading audience. Parental discretion is advised.


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