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Why You Need To Dump That 15 Year Old Scd-900/901!

Ghost Shadow

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I know Steve started this thread because he is in that business and wants to push his products he gets for free but in all honesty it never made sense to me why people wanted to spend thousands of dollars having the best sounding car.

No, i didnt start this thread to push anything. I like technology. I love bells and whisltes. When i was younger, i wanted and wished for things. Now that i can afford it, I will get the best. No it is not free technically. I need to buy 12 of these $1200MSRP units to get a 99% off demo. Yes the last one cost me a few bucks BUT i need to buy $10000 first.

Just because the volvo community is conservative when it comes to car stereo. Doesnt mean the rest of the world is this conservative.

In the real world scenario: 2006 GMC yukon, OEM Navigation, OEM Rear Seat Entertainment: OEM Navigation disk is $499 from the dealership. still no bluetooth, no pandora, no aha radio, no aux, no ipod, no iphone 1/2/3/4/5/6/ect, no usb, no flash drive, no traffic ect ect

$500 for a disk and that still may not solve your disk error problem or $800 for a DNX690HD or might as well spring for the best $1199 unit while you are at it.

Thats how the real world lives. I live and breathe 12 volt all day every day. I am a crackhead with crack all around me. I am a fat kid that loves to eat, at a buffet. I cant help but share my passion for 12volt to my volvo brothers. If i was selling i'd try harder :)

will it work for your ford?

check here http://maestro.idatalink.com/

and yes it will :)

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Not everyone understands wanting great sound in a car. They all think it's about loud, they will never know what they are missing.

Sure, I could spend the money on more stuff for my home theatre, but I spend 30k miles a year in my car, shouldn't it be as comfortable as possible?

I'm surprised by what is posted in this thread, but I guess some of the anal-retentive stereotype about Volvo owners still shows up in this thread.

Maybe it's just that they have accepted mediocrity?

Looks like a nice unit, a little more than I need or want to spend, but certainly brings some of the 21st century to our old cars.

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Actually, studies have proven that past a certain point the ear really cannot distinguish between various qualities of sound. Other factors cause us to believe we can but truthfully in blind tests we cannot.

It's not about Volvo owners being anal retentive it's about saying the SC-901 with amp and dynaudio is good enough for the price. It's the value of your diminishing marginal utility just isn't as high as you might perceive.

You like audio? Great invest in it. I like what I have and would prefer to spend on other enhancements to the car that offer greater value to my driving experience.

See, everybody's happy. Steve just likes to stir the pot. It's what he does.

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^ what he said.

I understand it, I just don't need $1200 worth of it. Hooray for those who do.

I spend a lot of time in front of studio monitors each day and even the finest car audio systems I've listened to do not come close to the kind of clinically neutral sound I prefer with an even stereo field.

That's ok. I'm sure it sounds better than my car by far.

You like A, I like B. Thank god for a free market. I vigorously defend your right to prefer B.

Sometimes I even listen to talk radio to drown out the squeaks in my tailgate.

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^ what he said.

I understand it, I just don't need $1200 worth of it. Hooray for those who do.

I spend a lot of time in front of studio monitors each day and even the finest car audio systems I've listened to do not come close to the kind of clinically neutral sound I prefer with an even stereo field.

That's ok. I'm sure it sounds better than my car by far.

You like A, I like B. Thank god for a free market. I vigorously defend your right to prefer B.

Sometimes I even listen to talk radio to drown out the squeaks in my tailgate.

Dude - I was, like, TOTALLY with ya,

'til you got to the talk radio part...

CarTalk is pretty cool, though. ;)

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I'll have to give my brother credit for that. He mounted his old laptop with a busted screen under the passenger seat and had it hard wired. When the car is off it goes into sleep mode. He Installed a power switch near the handbrake on the center console. As for the screen I think he took the track from an old radio and mated the touch screen to it... molded it with some bondo to make it into one piece. You can download music players made for touch screens to easily access all of your music. When I received the car the laptop was on its way out. I haven't had the money to do anything with it but my plan is to get a mac mini or some cheep laptop and mount it behind the rear armrest.

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