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Roof Racks? S70


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Starting to get into mountain biking with the gf, and don't feel like screwing up my interior jamming bikes in there. Anyone have any of the racks that screw into the holes in the door jam? Will be a couple weeks but just checking my options.



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Hate shipping things. :(

Yeah I hear you on that, so do I. Thanks anyway though!

I have a set that I could part with, but shipping probably wouldn't be worth it for you... I have a feeling it would be pretty pricey.

Especially since you couldn't be any further away from where I live haha. Thanks though!

My friend Will (SlowS70 on here) has a spare set he wanted to sell. PM me (he's not on here that much I think)

Btw I'm in CT obviously and so is he so we are local

Ill shoot you a PM. Thanks!

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