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Zimmerman V. Florida

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Go back to Swedespeed and have fun with adp, Lev and George in their Off Topic bizarro world. I was trying to maintain a civilized discussion here.

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Go back to Swedespeed and have fun with adp, Lev and George in their Off Topic bizarro world. I was trying to maintain a civilized discussion here.

Lol. It's hard for me to have a serious conversation, when there's feathers to be rustled. :(

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^^ I was remarking to my wife that I thought it was cool because the conversation was civilized along with the wise cracks. There is a large array of opinion. Could you imagine trying to have this discourse on a bus...or in a restaurant? Plates would be flying. Overall I think everyone is being pretty neighborly.

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Yes, it has largely been neighborly. What frustrates me is the unwillingness to recognize prejudice and the usage of language that doesn't encourage open dialogue but instead is intended to insult.

What's critical is to differentiate between the actions of one person or a small group of a certain ethnicity / race and not extrapolate that out to the entire collective ethnic / racial demographic.

There are people of every color (including white) who are ignorant and/or who are intentionally inflammatory. They are a large part of why the Zimmerman v. Martin case blew up all over the news.

Prove to me that young LAW-ABIDING blacks are being gunned down just because they're black. Show me a story where it happened.

You can't really be serious?

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Nope, not butt hurt here... I just have a nasty habit of disengaging from serious conversations when someone who I considered intelligent disappoints me by says something as fucking stupid as you did.

I need to work on that. I know. I know.

Ouch that hurts coming from an intellectual giant like yourself. I am sorry I disappoint you but but with offspring like yourself I am sure your parents know disappointment well. You do know both of your parents right? Hmmm. I very well may be your daddy. If so, come visit me in georgia. I am sure I can teach you to akrite.

They are a large part of why the Zimmerman v. Martin case blew up all over the news.

Alain you have to know EXACTLY why this case blew up. It PERFECTLY fit a specific agenda. There is absolutely no other reason.

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Alain you have to know EXACTLY why this case blew up. It PERFECTLY fit a specific agenda. There is absolutely no other reason.

There are people of every color (including white) who are ignorant and/or who are intentionally inflammatory. They are a large part of why the Zimmerman v. Martin case blew up all over the news.

Isn't that what I said Gary?

And please quit being an ass or take it elsewhere. You are intentionally being inflammatory.

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You can't really be serious?

Show me then. Show me recent stories in the US, where young black law abiding males were targeted and killed. He's making it seem like that's this huge current issue in the US. I don't think that's the case. I think the majority of these shootings are made to seem like the victim was this innocent angel, and people get fired up. Then we find out that both parties played a role.

PS, both times I said "racist" was a joke. But people are too sensitive, which adds to the explosion.

PPS, it goes the same with any race. Act or dress like a thug/punk, get treated like one.

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Yes, it has largely been neighborly. What frustrates me is the unwillingness to recognize prejudice and the usage of language that doesn't encourage open dialogue but instead is intended to insult.

What's critical is to differentiate between the actions of one person or a small group of a certain ethnicity / race and not extrapolate that out to the entire collective ethnic / racial demographic.

There are people of every color (including white) who are ignorant and/or who are intentionally inflammatory. They are a large part of why the Zimmerman v. Martin case blew up all over the news.

And that's why we're like cats batting around a dead mouse. Let it rot. Your'e not going to get the animal tendencies out of men, and you're not going to change human nature. Being civilized takes on many forms, and many people are just not interested. What's left is the entropy of our society, where everyone is myopically chasing after their own self-interests, whatever they may be. Instead of becoming more compassionate and enlightened to the world around us, we're operating in a predator/prey model that keeps us messing with each other. Just like the animals. Competition. Those who "have" want to keep what they have, and those who don't, want to get it- by any means they can muster. It's what makes the world go 'round and it's been that way forever. The only thing we can shoot for is a little mutual respect. (No pun intended.) But it should be earned, and there is not a lot of that going on these days.

Also, it's aggravating not to be able to call people out on their behavior because of our sense of ticklish ethnicity. We all have to put up with a lot of shit in that regard. It's 2013 for crying out loud. I don't care what color anyone is, just don't ask me to ignore what you are made out of and how you operate.

Okay, off the soap box.

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^^ I was remarking to my wife that I thought it was cool because the conversation was civilized along with the wise cracks. There is a large array of opinion. Could you imagine trying to have this discourse on a bus...or in a restaurant? Plates would be flying. Overall I think everyone is being pretty neighborly.

Well that would only happen at a Popeyes or a KFC not at a Dinner or at a PF Changs .....

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Disclaimer: I really did intend to akrite today...

Ouch that hurts coming from an intellectual giant like yourself. I am sorry I disappoint you but but with offspring like yourself I am sure your parents know disappointment well. You do know both of your parents right? Hmmm. I very well may be your daddy. If so, come visit me in georgia. I am sure I can teach you to akrite.

An open letter to my dad Gary:


I write this letter with great joy in my heart, because, like all adopted children, I have often wondered about the source of my heritage.

As the product of a multi-racial union, I cannot recall the number of times as a youth that I stood naked, in front of a mirror, assessing my features for a clue to my TRUE lineage. I would look at my curly hair, narrow nose and thin lips and think to myself “Yes, I am special! Because I am of European decent.” However, whenever I would put on my underwear, I would be reminded of my excessively large, dark genitalia and I was forced to conclude that I must be of Negroid decent too.

I cannot tell you just how stressful this truly was for me. I found myself not wearing underwear more times than not, just so that I wouldn’t have to face my terrible truth. I must confess that I began “acting out” … doing things that neither I nor my adoptive parents were not proud of: for example, I only scored 25 on my ACTs and I skipped my SATs completely (gasp). Yet, I somehow made it through this troubling period in my life.

Father, why did you abandon me?

That is the question that has haunted me for years. But now that I know who you are and where you live, I can only assume that our separation was against your will, and forced upon you by a community which didn’t condone mingling of the races.

Father, even though I can give you that benefit of the doubt, I must confess that I find troubling the controversial thoughts that you have posted in this thread. You see, after dating many women of different races, I have elected to marry a woman of color and we have offspring (Yes, you are a Grandfather now). And I truly do not know how to teach my kids to 'akrite'. To me, that is a highly subjective term whose definition will change, depending upon the person using it.

Your written statements have me concerned that you would rather see your children - my little brother(s)/sister(s) - married to a white person of the same sex, as opposed to a person of the opposite sex who happens to be a minority.

In any event, I am proud to finally have a sense of belonging. I feel empowered as never before and the next time that I find myself being unfairly profiled, I will yell at the top of my lungs:


And I’ll pull up your post on my cellphone to support my claim and prove that I am entitled to be wherever I am ,doing whatever I am doing – as long as I am acting right.

I look forward to our first family reunion. I am sure that It will be the first of many, for years to come. I plan to embrace all of your family members as my family members – and I especially plan to give your wife, my new stepmom, a great, big, giant bear hug. Please prepare her for this…as I do not want anyone thinking that my embrace is sexual in nature due to the size of my excessively large genitals (even when flaccid – it’s both gift and a curse).

Your loving son,


PS. By now, you MUST know that I am your son – for I am just as opinionated and stubborn as you. So I must confess that although I have fully received your implied threats of corporal punishment, I still stand by my statement that your “akrite” comment was stupid and unnecessary

I look forward to the male bonding ... just leave your firearm at home

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