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Zimmerman V. Florida

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If he was in such control, then pulling the gun was murder

Either way, if GZ hadn't pursued TM like a panther, he'd be alive

And if the Americans werent infidels the Towers would still be up. If Hitler couldnt write the Jews would still be alive. Shall I go on?

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Please do go on

And if the Americans had not so completely attempted to control the Middle East to their own interests the Towers would still be up. If Hitler couldnt write the Jews would still be alive. Shall I go on?

FTFY Blowback's a bitch. What happened on 9/11 wasn't a random event that had no historical basis. It was a political response to American foreign policy. I totally agree with the effort to go wipe out Osama but we are clearly reaping what we sowed.

You're taking Zimmerman's word that these things were stated by Trayvon. No one knows what was said except for him and Zimmerman. And one of them is conveniently dead.

Neither one of these two is an innocent who didn't add some spark to this volatile situation. But the truth of the matter is you know less than what you believe you know about what really happened.

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It seems to me that GZ was neither well-trained nor prepared for that event. How many hours of hand-to-hand or pistol training do he or neighborhood-watch people go through? Any? Their primary weapons should be the radio and maybe a nightstick like the old beat cops, and they should know how to use them. That's why it's a "watch". But, it is a different world and unfortunately this shit goes on constantly outside of our view. It pays to know your environment. There's a lot of scared dudes running around packing heat because they don't have any balls, and he's probably one of them. Meanwhile the ethnicity angle only serves to exacerbate the situation, even when it is basically a civilian issue between two individuals. So, those who wish to live by the sword, must be able to die by the sword. And if you're going to carry weapons, you best know how to use them and be ready to take complete responsibility for using an unforgiving tool. There is no middle ground, and we'll never know what really happened. Although truly unfortunate, that kid probably picked up a fear vibe from GZ and thought he could take him - he just thought he could mess him up and tell his friends about it. Woops. Only in a perfect world would this experience prevent others from exercising spontaneous violence in their lives, but I suppose we haven't seen the worst yet. Too many kids (and adults) living that gangsta lifestyle.

Mike, what's a pen? :blink:

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Woops. Only in a perfect world would this experience prevent others from exercising spontaneous violence in their lives, but I suppose we haven't seen the worst yet.

If this was more common I doubt you would see 13-20 somethings running around acting ignorant. It took years for our society to lose check of itself and it will take years to go back. Fundamentally I agree with Burn-E right up to the point of violence. Be mouthy, disrespectful, destroy property, do drugs whatever. Thats typical teenage BS. Right up to the point of assault. Attack anyone with out first being attacked or defending someone else and you deserve to be put down in the streets like a dog/ Trayvon Martin (assuming GZ is telling truth).

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But the truth of the matter is you know less than what you believe you know about what really happened.

Please tell us who your informant is....or is it purely osmosis?

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Are you as strict with your kids as your parents were with you? If we displayed any behavior similar to this subject matter, we'd have our asses handed to us. Literally. I see a lot of kids today dis the crap out of their parents. Learning respect and responsibility starts at home. You either receive it, or you don't. People don't give a shit about manners anymore, either. :( We're dis-connected.

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Gary, I say it because anyone who says they know what happened is either delusional or lying. You have a picture of events that was built based on your own prejudices and the stories you've read/heard in the news. It's an incomplete picture at best.

Me, I'm drawing no conclusions except that Zimmerman's story reads fishy and Martin's image has been manufactured. Beyond that you cannot draw further conclusions if you're being honest. Otherwise you're just one of these guys:


I'm just waiting for the switch blade to drop on the table in this version of the story. And I believe it will.

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Dead men tell no tales.

One of those favorite pirate myths. It's amazing what you can find with forensics (and I'm not talking CSI TV quackery).

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