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Doing A Timing Belt On A 2002 S80 6294T


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I'm hoping someone can help me with this one. I'm using all new Volvo-brand parts with this belt. The tensioner is set at the 10 o'clock position. The manual states to first put the belt around the crankshaft, then the idler, the intake, exhaust, water pump, and finally the tensioner. Impossible. There is NO room to work down where the tensioner is. I tried wrapping the belt around all the pulleys but doing the intake cam pulley last. Much more room to work, but still impossible to stretch it onto those last few teeth on the cam pulley. How the hell do you do this? I made sure that every tooth on the timing belt is accurately touching each groove on the pulleys, they're not doubled up. I did a T-belt on an 850 years ago, had the same problem, but somehow got it on and I can't remember. What is the trick with these last few teeth?

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I always leave tensioner bolt loose couple turns so tensioner wiggles a bit. Gives you more slacck to install belt. Then once belt is on and marks are good slighty tension belt by rurning motor clockwise. Then tighten bolt down with tensioner adjusted where u need it and done.

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You need to install the belt counter clockwise, or else you won't get the right tension. When installing, if the belt has any slack between the crankshaft and the intake gear you won't get the belt on. I made a video on CVVT replacement a while back, but at the end it shows me installing the belt. Maybe the video will help.


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Wow, thanks. That video is great. Everything about the VVT doesn't apply to this car though, right? The VVT is a B6304 engine, this is a 6294T engine... I'm going to have to take off the drive belt pulley to get this belt on, usually I can get the belt on the crankshaft pulley without removing the bottom pulley. I'm almost positive it's not bunched up, but that's the only way to make sure.

If it's 95 degrees today where I am, I've always wondered how important that tensioning marker is in regards to its exact position. Should it be between the center and the far right? Leave it in the middle?

831T5R - I tried that with the tensioner (leaving the bolt loose) that was an exercise in frustration for me. I was afraid I was going to cross-thread the center bolt since it had some tension on it from the timing belt - almost just enough tension to cross thread it.

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