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Are These Rear Heated Seat Plugs?


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Yes they are! Your car looks like it is prewired. There should be two plugs per side, one for each seat bottom and seat back. Do you have wiring for the switches in the center console as well?

This is an S70 harness for the single button rear heated seats, yours is probably separated into the individual sides:


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I haven't pulled the center console yet to see, but I found the part numbers for the seat heaters for the rear seats as well as the switch part numbers

do you have pics of the bottom of the cushion and the wiring for the center console?

here are all the part numbers for everything


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I have a lot of pics, but they're all S70 specific. Not sure how the 850 center console wiring differs since there are two switches.

The pads are sold out worldwide, I tried ordering them from Tasca a year ago. You'll have to find a junkyard 850 or S70 with rear heated seats to get the pads. Same story with the antenna down switch, you can order them but Tasca can't get them. After speaking with a rep for 30 minutes they finally told me that no dealership has them, and they aren't in production anymore.

Whole system:


The far left yellow connector above is the connector for the switch. The relay clips on to a piece of plastic in the center console near the e-brake trim I believe.



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That, or just find any junked P80 with rear heated seats, even the XC ones will work. I don't know if this matters, but the wiring for my S70 put the pads in series, with the circuit ending at a ground point on the chassis. Only one 12V wire powered the entire rear seat. Aftermarket pads may or may not jive with this setup? Not sure.

The easiest way to go about this is with all OE parts, since they fit perfectly in the seats and the wiring is also meant to pop right into our cars.

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I wanted to get rear heated seats but the back trim piece in the rear I haven't ever seen in a wood trim :(

Shit, I had that for sale last year. I was surprised to even find it... a wood rear trim panel with the rear heated seat button cutout. Must be super rare.

burnout, you found the elements and added them into your existing seats? how hard was that?

I'm guessing you had to add relays and fuses as well

I cut the leather off the junkyard car's rear seats, and gently peeled the heating elements off of the foam. Installation onto my seats was just a matter of disconnecting the hog rings, placing the elements, and using upholstery spray glue to hold them in place. There are even little holes in the seats for the wires to pass through, check it out.

No fuses or relays other than the relay that is part of the center console harness, I did the install using all OE parts. The parts you see in the picture above just pop right in. The rear heated seats are powered off of a wire in the center console harness. You do need a center console harness specific to a vehicle with rear heated seats though.

I found an S70 in the yard equipped with this, and stripped every component from it involved with the system. If you take your time you can do this exactly how the car would have come out of the factory with this option installed. Takes some time but totally worth it for the OE functionality in my opinion.


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