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2001 C70 - No Power Under Boost


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So this would be my first post on volvospeed so be gentle. My wife drives a 01 C70 that she got from her ex awhile back. Long story short the guy took pretty good care of it. I did notice when we got it back from him he had installed a MBC. The last week she told me the car was running really jerky and shuttering on acceleration so I finally got around to drive it. She was right when you went to accelerate the car would shutter and when you started it sometimes it would die or idle all sporadic. I popped the hood and noticed that one of the capped off vacuum hoses came uncapped so I capped it and solved the problem, car starts and runs great. Now... Something that over the last week that did not change was how the car ran under boost. It pulled nice in the low rpms at 10psi, now it runs like its all motor. You can hear the turbo spool up but it wont actually get out of its own way. I have done some research and some say o2 some say boost leak...Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this. The change was honestly over night, we drove it home from a movie and it was running great. Fixed the vacuum leak the next morning and now I have no power under boost.

p.s Just for reference I do have automotive and performance/turbo experience, although I have none with volvos. no CEL's are thrown so I am kind of confused.

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So I reinstalled the TCV and it feels as if the turbo is slowly building boost and finally kicks in around 5000 rpms.... Any ideas... I am thinking boostleak but not sure where to start looking. I am going to replace all of the vac lines on the turbo today and go from there.

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You could be in limp mode.....ME-7 cars don't perform well using a MBC

Remove the MBC and return vacuum lines to there proper connections

If unsure of routing....open hood, lower left is diagram of vacuum hose routing

Disconnect battery....this should reset computer

Good luck

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I removed the MBC, reset the ECU. There are no CELs being thrown although I know a few weeks ago there was a MAF code but I cleaned the MAF and it has not been thrown since.

It almost seems as all the torque has been lost in the low end. Half throttle and it wont get out of its own way, full throttle and downshifts to accelerate but still not like it used to.

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Easy enough to unplug the MAF and see if it runs better. If it does, you have a boost leak or TCV improperly installed.

Next would be to check the ETM via this PDF:http://www.xemodex.com/technologyimproved/ETM%20Diagnostic%20Flow%20Chart.pdf

If it still doesn't run better, unplug your front 02 sensor. If it runs better, you need a new 02 sensor.

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