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1999 S70 Door Lock Problem


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Hey guys, I am new here and would really be grateful for some help.
Well, today I tried to lock my driver's side door manually by pushing down the lock and it somehow broke. Now it is loose and doesn't do anything. It also fell into the door but not all the way. All of the doors still lock/unlock using the power lock button or the key (I don't have a fob). Does anybody know what might have happened? I manually lock my door in this manner all the time. To avoid confusion, here is a pic of the lock I am talking about (circled in red). Thanks in advance for any responses.


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There is a metal linkage bar that connects the door pin to the actuator. You might have popped the door pin off of the linkage, if that is the case then it is an easy fix. I would say your best bet it to take off the door panel and have a root around.

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There is a metal linkage bar that connects the door pin to the actuator. You might have popped the door pin off of the linkage, if that is the case then it is an easy fix. I would say your best bet it to take off the door panel and have a root around.

Thank you for your response. What you said makes sense because the lock still works but is loose. I will have to go take a look. Thanks again.

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