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Burning Man 2013


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Very good friend of mine took these photos from the most recent Burning man.

its a pretty good document of what goes on out there. (looks spiritual B) )

PS: the pics are copyrighted and NSFW in some instances.


, PS they guy who took the pictures has an RV that is used just for this event. Looks like they troll for MILF's if I'm reading it correctly

the new added password is 2013

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it will never happen, but its on my wish list.

great pics, enjoyed that.


You would thrive there Mike. Probably eat 10 lbs of dust but you would fit right in.

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words cannot describe my lack of desire to attend this "event"

This times 1 million.

I'd really dig the whole scene.

i've gotten too soft in my old age though.

i'd need an RV, Bathrooms,shower, beds etc lol.

I would imagine you as a crotchety old hippy telling kids that it's not like the "good ole days" and how you're a bigger dead head than them. Could be humorous.

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I was invited but couldn't make it. I used to think that I'd never like to go to this sort of thing but after reading the Survival Guide and other docs, I so wanted to go. The idea of not being chained to work, responsible for the day to day needs of the family, not having to dress a certain way because society says so, something about that seems refreshing or maybe like an emotional recharge. I'm not sure how else to explain my desire to go but I'd sure try it once!

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i went about 5 years ago before it got mega popular and let's just say any rental car company knows where you've been when you bring a minivan back with playa dust.

for what it's worth, this year, for the week leading up to the event, i got tasked with modifying just about anything to help our upper management prep for the event.

one of the tasks i had to do was take one of these: http://www.stealthelectricbikesusa.com/bomber-electric-bike.html and add a banana seat somewhat comfortable for two persons.

on the test ride, i hit 30mph going uphill on a 8 degree incline. downhill i was going at least 45, and it was fucking insane.

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