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Akebono Stopping Power?


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Hello all,

I know many here swear by Akebono ceramic pads for the low dust, etc. My question is, can anyone comment on stopping power compared to stock ATE?

Looking to replace the pads and rotors on the front of my S70 soon. Already have the ATE pads (actual ATE, not old OEM ATE), but some searching here has me worried that the dust will be horrible. While I do think stopping power is most important, don't want the Meteors I'm also installing to turn black either :(. Car has had aftermarket friction on the front since I bought it in '05, so not sure what brand is on there now...

So, has anyone actually ran both and can reliably compare?

Thanks in advance,


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Honestly was hard to tell when I upgraded to 302s if the pads gave me the increased stopping bite, or if it was the rotors. But, I'm inclined to think it was the pads since bigger rotors don't automatically = better stopping. (Before fade sets in, at least)

Used to have 280 Meyle rotors and the ATE dust-monster pads for a brief period. They still stopped great, but I think the Akebonos might have an edge on them. Wish I could compare apples to apples for you though! (280 vs 280)

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