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2016 Presidential Campaign


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10 minutes ago, Zappo said:

Trump is actually working for the Hilary campaign to destroy the GOP field before the election.

That is one of the operating theories.  If that were actually true it would be one of the greatest trolls of political history.

More likely this is the latest adventure in Trump's ego.

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30 minutes ago, S8ET6 said:

Last I saw, he was leading the polls - now he appears to be at or near the bottom. Did I miss something?

You did miss something: a big debate on whether or not he was telling a bunch of lies. http://gawker.com/a-guide-to-ben-carsons-biggest-fictions-misstatements-1741769919

Frankly, I think he just got caught playing the game many of the big timers play. But there was a little more to it than that.

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Yeah, I missed all of that... Thanks for the link.


I LOL'd at the comments after that article:

"This may explain everything. When you scramble the letters Benjamin Carson, you get Boner Scam Ninja."


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1 hour ago, Kevin. said:

over 200k signatures to ban Trump from the UK, what a riot



I wish we could petition to have him banned from the US.  Someone needs to put him into exile to the Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto.

Darnell, look up the Real Clear Politics aggregated view of the polls.  Carson is tumbling quickly but he's still in 3rd behind Trump and Cruz with Rubio soon to overtake him.  There's only one in that group I would consider voting for and it's definitely not Carson with all the crazy stuff he comes up with.

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Jeff Bezos wants to launch him into space.  :)



Here is another theory about Trump.  This was all a publicity stunt, which everyone believed from the beginning.  However, Trump never expected to be leading this far into the campaign, so he is trying to self sabotage as a way to exit the race without admitting it was a hoax run for office the whole time.   He keeps talking ramping up the crazy, but he is still as popular as ever.

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Couldn't he just claim his analysts think he's going strong, but not strong enough to make it worth the effort and cost to continue, and that he's going to drop out? Besides, saying ridiculous thinks earns him a spot in the media. If he just started saying boring, safe things, and put less effort in to being part of the circus, it seems like he'd slowly but surely fade away.

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I find that theory harder to believe given what this continues to cost him. I do think he thought this chances of winning were low early on but he figured why not give it a shot and have some fun.  And then he just blew up the campaign trail and suddenly he's the front runner.  But knowing his ego, he figures why not take this as far as it can go if people believe in me. 

What surprises me is that in the same speech where he called on banning Muslims no one has keyed into the fact that he also said we need to turn off the internet in order to stop ISIS.

"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening.

“We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people."

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13 hours ago, theForgottenone said:

and you thought Arnold being California governor was bad.....


All shit will break loose if Trump ever got elected


if he actually decides to run Independent (which no one thinks he will) then it may get really really interesting


I'm proud of some news outlets that are refusing to cover him, he deserves no attention. He is just a 3 year old throwing a temper tantrum and everyone keeps giving him more and more attention so he is getting louder and louder. Honestly if he becomes president one of a few things will happen: nothing will be passed in legislation for 4 years, he will be impeached, or we will have our first presidential assassination in 40 years

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i think you guys are all wrong.  I believe this crazy hyperbole is his exit strategy.

He is going to say only land owners, no women, millionaires get 1 million votes etc next.


It will be so crazy, and some people will still support, he will be able to drop the mic and walk away.



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Let's just be clear on one thing.  Trump will not become President.  There's no way he gets even 20% of the the general electoral vote.  Since he's only carrying 30% of Republicans who make up 26% of the voter population that simply is not going to happen since Democrats are 30% and Independents are 43 percent.. And you have to remember that there's a big difference between what a poll says now and how people actually vote in the first caucus or primary in February.

There's very little chance he even gets very far in the Primaries.  I predict by mid February after Iowa and New Hampshire we'll be done talking about Trump because his votes just simply won't materialize. He doesn't have the ground support to make it happen.  There's a huge difference between spouting off daily to increase your media exposure and actually having the ground team in place in each State to manage getting the vote out.  That's why Obama killed Hillary and it's also why he beat Romney.

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