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By out do you mean you mean out of the closet? (so much angst for guys like Larry Craig) :laugh:

They're playing to the religious right and hoping it doesn't come back to bite them.  That issue is a dead cat they're hanging around their own necks.

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21 hours ago, fivex84 said:

He has my vote. 


So Keyser Soze is running now? I guess he's a better option that what I've seen so far :a-farmboy:

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The day of reckoning has arrived.  Who will be victorious in Iowa?

My bet is Hillary and Cruz.

New Hampshire?

Sanders and Rubio

South Carolina?

Hillary and Cruz/Rubio - it highly depends on the outcome in the first two States.  All other things held equal I expect Cruz would win.  This probably turns into a slugfest between those two candidates until the Convention.

Trump will stay in the race until Super SEC but I don't believe he's actually going to win any of these.

This was highly informative: http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/beware-a-gop-calendar-front-loaded-with-states-friendly-to-trump-and-cruz/

The Republican race is not going to be a quick roll up by one candidate.  I believe ultimately Rubio is still going to be the winner of the nomination.

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I think Hillary will win Iowa, but by the skin of her teeth. SC is going to Hillary and Sanders is getting NH


Trump isn't guaranteed to win because of the religious vote, might be Cruz as he has been bullish in the polls


actually Cruz may not make it after all given that loon from Duck Dynasty endorsed him (pun kind of intended)



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The early states haven't been a good indicator for at least the last few elections, at least on the Republican side.  Although, normally the crazies would have dropped out by now, but there are 3 in the top 4 right now.  Rubio, as the sane one,  isn't doing bad right now though.


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1 hour ago, Kevin. said:

where's Alain with his assessment :lol:

What's there to assess? I was spot on in my predictions for last night.

It was good to see Trump deflated because the over reliance on polls gave an inflationary view of his real support and influence. I've said all along this was an illusion. He'll probably come in a close 3rd in New Hampshire and maybe 2nd in South Carolina.  His campaign is done and he knows it.  As angry as people might be, for the candidates this is still all about tactics and the retail electioneering of truly being able to deliver the voters to the caucus or voting booth. All the talking and tweeting in the world doesn't accomplish that.  People are going to look back on Trump's campaign as an example of how influential a candidate can be in manipulating the media's message but recognizing yet again that the ground game is where the real work is done.

The press is going to turn hard against Trump, especially since has has failed at the only thing he claimed he was good at: winning.  Losers don't claim the White House.

As for Sillary and Handers?  Much ado about nothing.  They both offer some good qualities but neither gives enough to thoroughly excite the entire base.  As an Iowan on NPR said this morning, "My heart was with Bernie but my head was with Hillary." Neither is a complete candidate for today's demands.  Ultimately Hillary will win the nomination because the base are all concerned about what it will take to win.  And they know it will be an uphill climb either way with Rubio on the rise and the likely establishment winner on the Republican side.  His story is awfully compelling in an Obamaesque fashion. 


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Trump was awfully quiet when the numbers started to come in


I think that Clinton has the long haul victory, however if this whole email thing actually goes anywhere she may not be around to see her bid come to fruition. I could see Sanders pulling it off but it's going to be DAMN close

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It's going to be nowhere near close between Clinton and Sanders.  The demographics of his supporters are largely all white and either college students or angry middle class adults.  After Iowa and New Hampshire you'll see it all fall apart fairly systematically for his campaign.  

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1 hour ago, theForgottenone said:

Most tax benefits only apply to the top 1% . Middle class won't see much difference in any presidential promise or actual implantation. Only sheep would believe what they promise

I'd be careful with that assumption.  They said the same thing about the Affordable Care Act and yet many lower middle class families are now paying substantially higher insurance rates when others - like me - have only seen modest increases in line with historical rate increases.

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