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3 hours ago, Yellow95 said:

I haven't even clicked on a link because I don't care what you think about Trump.  That's not a slam either.  That would be like me expecting you to change your views because I posted a great link.  It isn't going to happen.  I am going to vote for who I am voting for.  Just as you are.  If Trump loses, I am still going to sleep well at night and I am still going to argue with you.  That's just what we do.  ;)

Would you get your healthcare there?  Not an insult.  I am curious.

You don't have to care what he thinks, but can you concede that he at least provides reasonably well thought points, and decent sources of information? If so, why wouldn't you want to read those? Are you afraid you might read something that you can't unsee, which erodes your confidence in your current opinion? It's literally unreasonable to ignore potentially good counter-points and refuse to re-evaluate your own position.

I care what people with opposing opinions think, because sometimes they present points of view or information I haven't seen or considered. And sometimes they explain to me why I should stop listening to them :laugh:

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21 hours ago, Burn-E said:

I'm merely posting to help others see the light amidst the mess that is the current mediascape.

I'm curious... you're doing this in hopes of accomplishing what exactly?? To help others see what light? That Trump is a greasy salesman? Is this a surprise to anyone?

There is no light, this election is a train wreck. But even still, I'll take Trump over Hillary.

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You'll choose Trump over Hillary based on what expectation of outcome?

What exactly do you expect Trump will do? I'm going to state you have no idea and are projecting upon him at best a hope that he'll completely fail. He has lied at every turn and demonstrated an unwillingness to be held accountable in a very fluid relationship with the truth and facts. You want to give a reactionary like that who is so completely amoral the responsibility for commanding our military?

Better the devil you know (Hillary) than the one you don't know.  I abhor Hillary but I at least know what to expect from her. She is a moderate liberal who is only by slight degrees different from W.

Trump is a cipher. His unpredictability will inflict chaos on our economy and incite a return to class and race wars of the 50-60's. He will destroy our standing in the world.

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12 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

You'll choose Trump over Hillary based on what expectation of outcome?

What exactly do you expect Trump will do? I'm going to state you have no idea and are projecting upon him at best a hope that he'll completely fail. He has lied at every turn and demonstrated an unwillingness to be held accountable in a very fluid relationship with the truth and facts. You want to give a reactionary like that who is so completely amoral the responsibility for commanding our military?

Better the devil you know (Hillary) than the one you don't know.  I abhor Hillary but I at least know what to expect from her. She is a moderate liberal who is only by slight degrees different from W.

I could ask you the same question about why you'd choose Hillary. So you know Hillary eh? You know what she'll do? How she'll respond? Because all I've seen so far from her is a bunch of BS. Everything you just said about Trump can be applied to Hillary too. Except Trump hasn't gotten anyone killed yet so this is why he would probably get my vote.

The fact that you think you "know what to expect" from Hillary is laughable proof of your arrogance. I guess we can all say we expect to her to lie about everything; if that's what you mean you are correct. And if I'm wrong here, please correct me. Since you've already stated it's your job to enlighten and protect us all, please let me know... what is it Hillary is going to do to better this nation??

5 minutes ago, theForgottenone said:

Him and Gary will vote for him in favor of the hardest working people benefits and reign on the superior race population. 

Nailed it, that's right. Now you should get on board too.

FTR, you guys getting worked up over my responses is semi-retarded. My opinions of either is about 55/45 Trump/Hillary... shit in one hand/turd in the other.

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Let's clarify a couple things:

1. I never said my job was to do anything in this thread.  I merely stated my posts offered a counterpoint to Gary's trolling with more substance than you'll generally find in the media.

2. I state my opinions which are based on deep experience and constant research.  If you disagree with me, life goes on. Do I think I'm right? On politics? Absolutely. I won't apologize if you choose to get your panties in a wad because I shared my opinion.

3. There's nothing here that gets me worked up though I will question whether someone who makes a knee jerk response has really thought through the consequences of their logic.

We agree on the quality of the candidate choices.  As for Hillary, it's not so much about what she'll do as it is recognition that she possesses and has demonstrated an ability to rationally think through and evaluate the political and global environment and come up with some semblance of a plan.

Trump on the other hand offers the Neanderthal platform for politics: Deals good! Immigrants bad!

He shows no competency nor interest in understanding the complexities of the current geopolitical situation nor how to strategically deal with it.

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7 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

Let's clarify a couple things:

1. I never said my job was to do anything in this thread.  I merely stated my posts offered a counterpoint to Gary's trolling with more substance than you'll generally find in the media.

2. I state my opinions which are based on deep experience and constant research.  If you disagree with me, life goes on. Do I think I'm right? On politics? Absolutely. I won't apologize if you choose to get your panties in a wad because I shared my opinion.

I wasn't asking you to apologize for anything, and "my panties" aren't in a wad because of your political views. I'm curious, since you seem to think I don't understand why I would choose Trump over Hillary... and also since you've mentioned your "deep experience and constant research" plenty here.. What is it that you think Hillary is going to do for this nation? Why does she have your vote?

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Hillary doesn't have my vote.  I wouldn't vote for her unless the absolutely worst possible candidate were opposing her.  Trump embodies that reality.

If any Republican other than Trump makes it through I will vote for them.

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One of the most important aspect of potus is international diplomacy and experience dealing with them.

hillary has both exposure and experience over trump which I will gladly choose her. 

Is she perfect in that performance? No but definitely better than trump will be given his business relationship abroad, outside of United States. In addition, foreign relationship that her husband establish does come in play here whether you like it or not with international relation.

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57 minutes ago, Burn-E said:

If any Republican other than Trump makes it through I will vote for them.

Ted Cruz?  

His entire presidency would be about setting us back to the late 1950's.

And since we all know Alain is the only one to read a link, here ya go http://www.houstonpress.com/news/meet-ted-cruzs-wack-pack-8105008

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19 minutes ago, ErikS said:

Ted Cruz?  

His entire presidency would be about setting us back to the late 1950's.

And since we all know Alain is the only one to read a link, here ya go http://www.houstonpress.com/news/meet-ted-cruzs-wack-pack-8105008

4 assholes said they like Cruz. I didn't see any evidence to suggest Cruz cares about them, or has a relationship with them. I bet you could find 4 asshole endorsements for each candidate. And I think a candidate selling a nuclear-powered Delorean is the kinda guy he wants.

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Cruz is akin to Bernie on opposite ends of the spectrum but he's better by far than Trump.

Look, Cruz won't defeat Hillary in the general so it really doesn't matter. But I won't vote for Hillary unless I absolutely have to.  She's toxic and corrupt. Just the lesser evil over Trump.

I could find equally nutty endorsements for every single candidate on different points of the spectrum. Power attracts nut jobs.

The Bible has a great deal to recommend it.  You should try reading it some time Erik.  I know it runs patently against your imaginary dragon's sensibilities. 

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