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I'm less progressive than you think Kevin. That doesn't mean I like Cruz, I just see him less of a threat to the world and our country than Trump.  And I am, as I've said from the start, a decidedly #NeverTrump campaigner. Whatever it takes to stop him.

Bernie says some great things but he has no capacity to actually make them happen.  If Elizabeth Warren were running this would be a different conversation.

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and Clinton will actually do the things she says she will? Take a look at her history.... she has barely done stuff. Plus she likes to take credit for other people's accomplishments


Cruz thinks he was chosen by god to run our country, scary man. Apparently he hasn't heard of the separation of church and state?

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Cruz is a constitutional originalist.  I would look more carefully at his approach on what separation of church and state means and how it lines up with the Founders' approach before declaring he doesn't know what it means.

Scalia pretty closely captures this:


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I wouldn't exactly say that Scalia is a shining example of being fair and impartial


he's literally playing the devil's advocate to say that he can favor religion over non-religion. I would expect nothing less of him given his pretty damned heavy bias of being pro-religious. Bet he would applaud the religious discrimination laws that Mississippi passed.... oh wait they're "religious freedom" :rolleyes: 

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Scalia also is an originalist.  Kevin I would happily bet that all you know about Scalia is caricatures written up in Salon.

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1 hour ago, Timbo Slice said:

Best quote in this thread by far. Very well thought out and original. Nice one Kev.

Trump has done more stuff and will continue to do more stuff until the stuff is all poking done.  Trump boat baby.  mmmmmm   mmmmmmmm

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51 minutes ago, Kevin. said:

Bernie gained 15 points in the polls in NY! 

Kevin, you might want to sit down for this one.  Remember how you asked whether I thought the Super Delegates would change their minds?  I mean because clearly Bernie has momentum and all (even though he doesn't really - but we'll get to that in a second).  Well, how exactly are we measuring momentum?  Because "winning" isn't really winning if he's picking up an extra delegate here and there because he splits things 52:48 to Hillary. But wait you say, he blew Hillary out of the water in Wisconsin and he's really won 7 out of the last 8 contests!  

True.  True.  But that only gained him net 66 delegates against Hillary and he still has a deficit of 212 delegates against her. Besides, how's he doing in the popular vote count?  If we've learned anything from Trump it's that popular vote matters.  Right?  RIGHT?!

Yeah, that's where you might want to sit back down and read this:

Bernie Sanders is even less competitive than he appears

Sorry dude, it doesn't look good. 

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