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Stupid is as stupid does.

He thinks he can be Richard Nixon and buck the modern trend that you're one and done if you don't win in the general election. The problem is, it's not 1968, the war in Afghanistan was not Vietnam even if it wasn't a resounding success, Hillary Clinton is not going to be assassinated like RFK was, the Democratic convention won't be held in Chicago and mobbed by hippies with a violent backlash and Romney is trying to run in an environment where plutocrats are viewed with deep suspicion among a generation that likes their politics with populism over easy.

It's unfortunate to say that Jeb Bush is probably the best shot the Republicans can muster unless there's some dark horse I can't see right now. There are so many reasons not to like what Hillary represents, the inevitability of her candidacy being the foremost where voters will make the same mistake of electing a candidate just to put a woman in office as they did with Obama as an African American without fully evaluating the implications of why her presidency will be a disaster.

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well i think it makes a lot of sense for him to run.

All his baggage has been exposed, asked and answered. He won't make a 47% mistake again.

I don't think he brings any excitement, but 5mill votes can be overcome by disappointed Dems i think.(pop vote)

if he self funded, walked back his womens health public voice,

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Mike, any adjustments Romney attempts to make will be positioned as a candidate who will do and say whatever it takes to get elected, even if it isn't what he already believes. (Hmmm...that sounds an awful lot like another candidate). Anyway he had his shot and he blew it. Well, that and the media refused to catch Obama in his many lies, but that's a different conversation that has been hashed over many times.

Tell me where he's going to get the additional 5 million votes? The latino voters don't trust him on immigration for good reason, the women will overwhelmingly go for whatever Hillary serves them and nothing has changed that will make African Americans not vote 90+% for a Democrat as they have for decades. Who will the young voters go for? They would prefer Liz Warren for her progressive chutzpah but they'll flock around Hillary over an old wealthy banker every day. So that leaves him with the white, angry old man voter.

Americans don't give a shit about foreign policy unless something terrible happens to us as happened with 9/11. No one who doesn't watch FOX News and read Hot Air cares about whether or not Romney was right about Putin. Russia is a tiny threat to the US when compared to other issues we need to deal with. And if he runs we'll be re-debating Obamacare which while it needs to be fixed is not where the country wants to focus its attention.

He does not have a substantive issue he can speak credibly on that the republic cares about, least of all poverty.

Another Republican who hasn't run in the general could pick up those disaffected Democratic voters but not Romney.

Look at the picture Nate Silver paints of the field and tell me who you think will be the eventual nominee?



There's a bunch of crazies in the 5 ring circus and only one or two substantial candidates who could really appeal in the general election:

1. Christie if he can convince the far right to accept him

2. Bush if he can sell it

The rest of them will never survive a general election against Clinton in today's climate. What it really comes down to is finding a candidate who excels in turning out voters and actually getting them to the polls. That's where Obama killed Romney.

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Jeb, but i really don't know a thing about martinez

i'll have to look into him.

It's not him, it's her: Susana Martinez and while some think she's a darling young potential in the Republican party she's really a disaster in the making.

Despite numerous requests, the governor and her aides declined to comment for this piece. But previously unreleased audio recordings, text messages, and emails obtained by Mother Jones reveal a side of Martinez the public has rarely, if ever, seen. In private, Martinez can be nasty, juvenile, and vindictive. She appears ignorant about basic policy issues and has surrounded herself with a clique of advisers who are prone to a foxhole mentality.



She's worse than Sarah Palin.


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So she's 100% in even though there's no announcement yet. This has to be the softest launch of a presidential campaign that ever existed...

Hillary Clinton 100% in for 2016 will launch bid in April

She's doing her darndest to sew up the whole Democratic primary before it even starts.

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NEWARK, N.J. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is launching an organization to raise money for a potential 2016 presidential campaign.

The political action committee, called Leadership Matters for America, was first reported by The Wall Street Journal early Monday.

Christie's move was widely expected. It comes after months of preparation for a White House campaign, including late-night foreign policy briefing sessions and repeat visits to key early-voting states.

It also follows a similar move by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who started his own political organization in early January, and the flirting of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney with another run.

The decision puts Christie one step closer to officially joining a crowded GOP fiel

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