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Ard Tuning's Response

ARD - Lucky

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Suspended Kit Vexed for 5 days because of that nonsense. It's far from the first time he's been suspended for this kinda BS.

Despite several threads, which have had a lot of information sporadically posted, a lot of it is disjoint and going to be lost. Difficult to parse through, because you have to follow the conversations happening as well. Relevant conversation is great, but we really need people to formulate a well written, concise, but detailed, review. Positive or negative. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

There's been a lot of talk lately, but a surprisingly underwhelming response to the new ARD review thread.

I can own up to this a bit. I don't want to post a legitimate review because while I've been dealing w/ ARD since Oct, I'm not done and haven't even begun to know how or if the tune works. My issues have mainly been w/ customer service; whereas most people say they've had outstanding customer service. Anyhow, I FINALLY had a respectable conversation w/ Lucky today. I truly believe Lucky is a stand up guy at this point; but I think I couldn't have waded into this at a worse time and IMO, that played out in the customer service I have (or haven't been) getting. I think he was busier than he could manage, and I guess they're also in the process of moving right now. I'm not excusing the major headaches I've had just because of this, but I think this is the reason for why.

Lucky told me today he would clone my ECU if I sent him another one and only put a manual tune in it, so today I ordered a used one out of a 99 S70 T5 (he said he could use the ECU out of any 99 car, as long as it was a turbo). So while this will have cost me about another $70 by the time its said and done, its really chump change in this process of elimination. I'll see how it goes and go from there.

I'll probably start another thread about this, just so I can ask for some help (again) from you guys to try and diagnose these issues. I will say a huge thanks to commander riker, you've been a huge help. Too bad there's so much land between us, I'd buy you a beer or 6. I found out today that the boost gauge I ordered won't be here till Thursday this week, which kinda sucks. Until then, this is on hold.

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There has got to be more here. Lucky has worked with me and produced several versions as I have changed boost levels, gone to bigger injectors, bigger turbo, meth, removing the rear O2, larger MAF, higher RPM limits, more advance, etc. These changes were clearly present with each of the bin files.

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Boxpin, your build was one of the key explorations I did as I was trying to understand why the work Lucky has done for you seems to be different from what is being shown / experienced elsewhere by other owners.

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What is clear is that when Lucky is dedicating his time & energy to any one individual's tune, the outcome seems stellar (several examples already given).

As has been said, ARD business practices/management/growing pains seem to be one of the major issues that need addressing, if they truly believe customer service is paramount. Not keeping accurate logs/files on every account to which a tune was sold for easy referral in the event of an issue (or potential up-sell) makes no sense at all. It's not as if this type of data occupies much digital storage space.

What is disconcerting are the tunes like Yosser's where nothing besides the boost map was altered.

I know of another ME7 M66 swap/ARD tune that had glitches, but was/is being resolved with hands on tuning vs. remote.

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Glad this blew over and shit will confine to carry on as normal...

I don't know about it "blowing over". More like everything's just out in the open now. And it seems there's a mix of very happy customers and very upset customers for various reasons.
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I'm not posting a full review since that's for the other thread, but, i thought I would atleast share my positive experience with Lucky's Tune.

I contacted Lucky back in 2011 when we did the ARD FL Group Buy - had an email thread with him in which we went back and forth a few times about what I wanted.

I reached out to him, told him I was interested in a tune, gave him a basic idea of what I had. He told me I was between an Orange and a Green Tune based on my needs, and said he would make it work for my car.

The total was around 350$ with him providing me an ECU Core - aka 0 downtime.

I provided the completed build sheet with all of my information, and provided that to him to create the tune.

He did a test drive on the tune (Whether it's true or not i could never prove, but that makes me confident he atleast cares about me as a customer and i appreciated it so i wouldnt get a DOA tune).

The car was an 850R - it had proper boost characteristics before the Tune, and I had finished installing my DP etc on the car. I have the AC Delco TCV as well.

I installed the tune a month after it had arrived (Was replacing the heater core and in school lol...) and took the car out for a drive. I was soft on it for a bit...then about 3-4 miles in i hammered down. First time I had ever experienced wheel spin on the car and didnt know wtf was going on hahaha.

Needless to say, i was pleased. He also sent me out an ARD T-shirt which i appreciated with the GB - it showed he cared for the customers. I had planned to get him to tune my 93 NA but time/money never happened and i stopped caring as much about the car.

I still drive my 850R - with no issues i could think to remotely place blame on the tune. It boosts fine, my MPG sucks as it did before the tune, and I have yet to run into any issues with the Tune.

If he only changed part of the Map - so be it. As everyone has said he's generating a quasi-generic tune at the end of the day - I'm not paying him 1000's of dollars for a tune, it was a 350$ tune. At the time SpeedTuning was about the only thing close in price range to this. What makes me glad is that the tune has been safe for me, whether it runs rich or not idk - never thrown any codes, but i'd rather a slightly rich tune. I stay out of boost, and its a conservative map - and I am a'ok with that.

If I had spent 700$ on the IPD Stage 1 tune and it performed the same as 350$ Lucky's - I would feel jipped. And i've been off the boards for a while, but, it seems now that ppl can load up their tunes easily and show them they feel 'jipped' due to minimalistic changes. That's fine and dandy and I can respect that - but - where are the people yelling at IPD/RICA/TME when we saw similar performance from ARD tunes which were half the price? Just my opinion on the mix - i dont know everyones situation so just commenting.

The tune has worked fine for me and I have no complaints - if things have changed for the worse then thats a shame. Lucky took care of alot of us, some people dont like him or his practices and thats fine as well, thats what the forums are for right? If/when it comes time for another Tune I will give Lucky my business once again due to past positive experiences.

I can only hope anyone who has had legitimate issues with the tune gets it resolved. Anyone who is complaining about the tune aspect and the maps etc has the right to their opinion but let's be honest, if you have the knowledge to load the maps, then go ahead and generate the map and load it to the ECU yourself - we all know something tuned from afar will never be perfect.

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