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The only thing I was asking myself whilst watching them is: if I'm driving and don't notice a still car in front of me it will apply the brakes hard and stop in like what? 5/8yards? It means the car behind me is very likely to hit me. Wouldn't it be better a system that ignores the driver and automatically start to slow down 20 yards before the obstacle?

If I apply the brakes then fine use my foot to determine the braking power, otherwise the system should act automatically without even telling me...

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The system work and calculate faster that a driver, also he might not avoid the impact (see the MBz) but drastically reduce speed when impact occur! Les damage to the driver/passengers and vehicles.

Also think about a driver that feel ill or suddenly have a stroke etc.?

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The only thing I was asking myself whilst watching them is: if I'm driving and don't notice a still car in front of me it will apply the brakes hard and stop in like what? 5/8yards? It means the car behind me is very likely to hit me. Wouldn't it be better a system that ignores the driver and automatically start to slow down 20 yards before the obstacle?

Because as far as they're concerned the person behind them should also have a new (insert brand here) with the same system and if they don't then maybe rear ending someone will make them buy one!

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