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Christmas Haul 2013


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I usually try to start one of these threads every year, I'm always interested to see what people across the country (and world) get





Wife got the the bluetooth keyboard and it's AWESOME! Have my laptop hooked up to the TV right now and I'm using the keyboard/mouse as I type

Love these knives

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No pics but..

I got a Nikon D5200 with a couple lenses and other stuff.

Clothes of course :lol:

Bought the wifey a Xbox One, Forza, Ghoast, and Just Dance 4, year of live and a few other accessories.

Also got her a Kindle Fire HDX and a couple gift cards since bestbuy only had $25 amazon cards.

and she got clothes from the rents.

All in all, we spent around the same amount on each other this year :lol:

Bought and installed brake pads my moms 2012 dodge journey O.o shes 5k out of warranty and they told her at 40k she had plenty of rear pad... she had none when I changed them.

Bought the dad quite a few pavers and misc lawn stuff for some projects he wants to do but couldnt afford to do since lack of job.

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Got a super cool new watch. It's a Garmin pilot watch, has GPS built in, and lets you type in an airport and gives you a heading and ETA! Pretty amazing, I can't wait to try it out.

And got GTA V from the GF (a little behind the times, I know.. haha)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got to see a ton of family which is really the highlight of the holiday. I don't usually ask for much for Christmas as I don't really like to. Just ended up getting a lot of stuff for my new apartment since I'm officially out of the parents house and on my own. A bunch of kitchen stuff (full knife set, mason jars, a home brew kit, etc), a great bedspread and sheets, and a new Cuornicello for my necklace.

The girlfriend surprised me when I picked her up at the airport Wednesday and got me a new messenger bag. I fucking love it.

I will never ever use this word.

Thank you.

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I will never ever use this word.

And I thank you for it. I hate it as much as "hubby".

On topic: a bike pump (my last one was 15 years old and dying a slow death) and some Skratch lab stuff. 8 yr old made me a calendar.

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