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Cold Weather Boost Vs. Hot Weather Boost


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I haven't put the car in the shop yet because I was going to get rid of it after I got another car which I'll be doing very soon. I notice a big difference in the performance during the winter months vs. the warmer months. If this car could perform like this all the time this would be great. BTW not going to get rid of it now thinking to do some upgrading now that it won't be the daily driver. Any ideas on why such a big difference or is this indicating a problem? Thanks in advance.

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you can compress more oxygen as the air gets colder, thus supply more fuel, thus more power.

I was recently running my 850R in 21F dry weather, I was spinning the tires at 60mph! She was a beast!

The intercooler can only cool the temperature so much...it cant take 90F air and make it 40F instantly.

Turbos love cool climates.

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All cars like cooler air not just turbo. Air is denser at lower temps.. and lower humidity burns a little better.

Tires spin at 21* because it is cold and tires don't have near the traction they have when warm. Not because your car makes 100s more hp.

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There shouldn't be a massive difference...

Some yes, major no!

Depends on your climate differences between winter and summer. Where I live the performance difference is very noticeable with average 60 degree daytime in the winter compared to average over 100 degrees daytime in the summer. I use to restore classic VWs when I was younger, and I have always jokingly said my Volvo is like a modern aircooled VW - loves the cool winters, turds in hot summer... :lol:

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Random fact: when dreaming, your brain can not produce new faces. So, every single person in your dream is someone you've seen before. The ones you don't recognize are usually people who you didn't meet, but still saw their face (someone in the car next to you, walking in the mall, etc.)

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