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Hey Kids, Im Coming To See You (And Stay)


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No way man, that's terrible! Excessive stress from towing?

Good luck in figuring it out my dude.

Is that even a question? Frankly I'm amazed he made it that far towing a loaded trailer like that on an S60R.

Definitely sucks. There are VSers out there (look up erikv11). Hopefully you get it all sorted.

Why not rent a U-Haul and unload the trailer, and tow the car? I'm sure you could get a quick buck for the trailer.

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renting anything is fucking stupid..... My R definatly had all capabilities of pulling my loaded trailer, but ever sense i have owned my R, it has had a whine in 6th gear...and because of some stupid "compitition" with my father i was pressed to get better mpgs then he would have with his truck...etc etc....meh... it wasn't my cars failure as much as mine.... ill be the first to admit it.

and i was more focused on watching my mpgs then adressing the load on my engine/trans

nope..im going to ship the car, and buy a truck for the rest of my trip

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hey guys, im still stranded in this super 8 room... for the third straight day... looks like tomorrow i have this guy coming to deliver me his


and im all set to leave my car here to have a car shipment company come pick it up later on this week

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it looks like it will only be like $875 to ship my car.... i dont think i could fit everything in my trailer (my entire life) into the back of my truck. Plus i sort of want to keep my trailer. it will be more then handy to have, i can take it camping etc.

and the big thing is i can use my trailer for storage until i get settled in.

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Welcome to the PNW! (When you make it here lol). My dad lives down in the Kelso/Longview area, not too far from you at all. I actually bought my V70 from a nice woman in Vancouver. Hope you enjoy the area as much as I do.

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Glad it semi-worked out Jake. Bummer about the transmission, but it looks like you figured it out.

If you're ever in a bind with shipping a car, just PM me. I ship cars almost daily right now and I have some great rates with the brokers I use.

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