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99 V70R Oil Leak, I Can't Find It


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Can someone help me out and let me know all the possible variables for this oil leak?? When I'm driving, I can't smell any oil. But if I shut the car off, run into a store and then fire it back up about 5 minutes later, I get a whiff of oil. I did replaced the pcv tank, and cleaned all the lines and made sure all the hoses were good, as well as cleaned the ptc nipple in the intake tube.

My car doesn't leave any drops, and the only wet spot I can see is on the block, behind the turbo but I can't see exactly where its coming from. I took the upper, rear motor mount off and its not coming from the cam seal that I can see.

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Thanks. I'll give this a shot but its going to be tough because I really can't see where it appears damp unless I jack the car up and look up from the bottom (let alone get to it to clean it). I considered even pulling the turbo to see if I could see it any better.

One possibility that occurred to me is my new heater core. I replaced the heater core last Dec and I never had this smell up to that point. When I first put the heater core in, it stunk to high heaven from what I'm guessing is either the glue they used to glue the tanks to the aluminum core, or maybe something they coated it w/. The smell was really bad when I first put it in, and gradually went away. The first couple days I actually had to clean my windshield a couple times because it would leave a film on it. I still have to clean the windshield about every week and half or so because it leaves a film; I wonder if whatever was making that smell originally is still making the smell?? Crappy thing is, only way to tell is to buy another heater core from a different source, I picked this one up from the local parts store here in town.

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I have a pretty good nose for coolant, and I did wipe the inside of the box out pretty good when I changed it. When I replaced my original heater core, it hadn't let loose yet. I replaced simply because I was getting the coolant smell whenever I turned the heater on but it wasn't leaking anywhere bad that I could see. So I don't think its in the vents.

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