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Euro Meet '14, Ithaca Ny June 21


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Hey all its that time of year again. If you plan to come, please get registered. Last year was great and this year is shaping up to be even bigger. We've got great sponsors including FCP, Snabb, and Erie Vo-vo, to name a few...

Check out pics from last year here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.477501788999372.1073741838.138012846281603&type=3

Register here: http://mrvolvo75.peaksmaker.com/register/

We have t-shirts too


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Me and a coupe guys from here are gonna head out.

Mike you should go, I'd like to finally meet the man, myth, and legend that is Dick Dastardly :lol:

I'll see.

It's possible, my folks live there so I have a place to stay anyway..

I'd have to change my oil first.. And that seems like a lot of prep..

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I'm going. Thought it was in July last year - little tough with the end of the school year, however don't want to miss it. :D

great! looking forward to it. Tempting to go in stealth mode so I can hang out a little.

I'll see.

It's possible, my folks live there so I have a place to stay anyway..

I'd have to change my oil first.. And that seems like a lot of prep..

aw come on now I need to get a ride in the new toy.
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