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Pa Tint Laws?

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Yeah, I figure I don't have much chance :(.

My own opinion is that bird droppings, etc would cause considerably more variance than 3%. But I agree with you, they tend to stick with the officers. Did come to find out that my Brother's shop has a tint meter, may use it on the dirty spots just to see how much variance there is.

If I DO go to court, I'd likely remove the tint before then so it can't be retested ;).

Anyway, more upset at the crap they let get away and yet focus on my tint. Such is life I guess :(.



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Pay it and carry on with life. If you try to fight it, they're going to tell you that it's your responsibility to know what is compliant and what isn't. The violation wasn't committed 9 years ago, having the window tint is the violation.

Also, if you try to fight it you can guarantee that the officer will remember you next time he sees the car. Pay the ticket and treat it as a fee for rolling with the tint and keep it on.

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Thanks Matt, most likely what I'll do. My only worry is him watching for me now, as I travel the road most days at the same time :(.

If you get the ticket dismissed, does that prevent him from writing it again? Nope. He'll make sure he spitshines your window before he meters it. And this time, he'll be sure to be extra friendly.

I think you have a problem you cannot solve. I'm with mattymoo, pay it and hope he forgets you. Otherwise, reduce the tint. I don't like tint laws either, but I don't see what other option you have given that yours isn't legal.

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i have decent tint on all windows, except the fronts. ive never had any issues with being pulled over. also, a lot of cars come tinted from the factory in the back (like the XC60).

I got my car with front tint too but my dad removed it because I was a new driver.

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also, a lot of cars come tinted from the factory in the back (like the XC60).

See, that's where the law is ridiculous. Vans and SUV's have NO REQUIREMENT for light transmission on the rear doors, wings, and rear window in PA (can paint all but the front windows with black paint and it is legal). The law is supposedly to protect law enforcement, as they claim the need to see if occupants pose a threat. Guess it's okay to ride around in a van or SUV loaded with armed passengers, just not in a car :rolleyes:.


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Didn't read the posts, but I got a tint ticket years ago. Offered to remove and was hahynded the ticket for 100.00

4 years later, still have tint. 100 every 4 years is good money IMO

Never affected my ins .

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just next time you see the cop, smak em in er gabber


I was never one to pay tickets because thats bullshit, what I would do is plead not guilty, spit shine the windows or get lighter tintz, but before you go to court get in contact with the officer who ticketed you, give them a sob story about living paycheck to paycheck, and that you cant afford the ticket. Hopefully he'll be compassionate and drop the ticket or otherwise not show up to court. The sob story worked for me, (she)statie could have gotten me for $1500 in fines and 3 mo. license suspension, but i called her barracks and spoke with her, gave a sob story. She told me she would see what she could do. Showed up to court, case was at 945. 945 shows up, still no statie. 950, 955. Judge checks the time, dismisses all the charges.


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You forgot to also leave your hands on the steering wheel where they can see them... :ph34r:

But then I've had cops ask me why I"m doing that... :blink: "Uhmmm so you don't shoot me???" :wacko:

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Pro-tip: Legal or not, tinted windows all go down, interior lights on, during a stop. Allows the officer to see in the car clearly. They don't appreciate surprises.

Agreed ! the only time I Dont do this is when its raining.

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